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Tropers / DoomTay

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I'm 17 years old and still don't drive.

When I grow up, I'm gonna be a TV show producer, and will start my career by defictionalizing The Protector: The Seven Crystals. Say something about in the comments section if you will.

I also hope to direct a film adaptation of LEGO's Alpha Team

Not a Time Lord. Though I am the protector of some Earth-like planet on the other side of the galaxy. :P

Oh, can someone help me with the second song here?

Now that I think about it, the tropes section could use some Wiki Magic.

This troper provides examples of:

Things I like

Articles I launched

Comment Section

Ya know, I bet he's the narhwal ~ Zyxzy

Narwhals are the badass unicorn of the sea! It's a good thing the UF(V)TS and I have found an ally!

  • To be honest, I have no idea how the word popped into my head, then I look it upo and realized that it's a type of whale. I decided "it's somethine that an elf would use", and it means "idiot"...then I realized the potential irony if it's used on an elf-turned unicorn hybrid. - Doom Tay
Parable News presents Doom Tay who will be giving a presentation on kitsunes and foxes.
  • Um...uh...something something presents: How to distinguish a fox from a kitsune. Number one: Tail count. If a fox has more than one tail, it is safe to assume it's a kitsune. If it has nine tails...well....let's hope you're carrying a towel. Number two: Friendliness. A regular fox will approach you without harm. A kitsune will try to somehow dig itself into your fingernails. If you're not Justin Case, this will be unfortunate news.
