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Trivia / Tokyo Vice

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  • Actor-Shared Background: Both Jake and Ansel Elgort are of Jewish descent, although only Elgort's father is Jewish.
  • California Doubling: According to Jake Adelstein, the scenes set in the US for "The War at Home" were done in Canada.
  • The Cast Show Off: Shun Sugata, Rinko Kikuchi, Takayuki Suzuki and Ken Watanabe show off their English skills in the show, given that they have a history of using it in domestic and foreign TV shows/movies.
  • Fake Nationality:
    • Eimi Maruyama is Zainichi Korean but played by the ethnically Japanese Rinko Kikuchi.
    • Polina, an Eastern European woman, is played by Swiss actress Ella Rumpf.
  • Method Acting: Ken Watanabe and Ansel Elgort intentionally maintained distance with each other when not on set during filming of the first episode to mimic Jake and Katagiri's still nascent and strictly professional nature of their relationship.
  • The Other Darrin: The Latin American Spanish dub suffers a complete voice cast change, as the first 5 episodes were dubbed in Mexico, but, very likely for cost reasons, the dub went to Argentina instead starting episode 6.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Back in 2013, the book was supposed to be adapted into a movie with Daniel Radcliffe being cast for the role of Jake Adelstein and Anthony Mandler being the director. The production was supposed to start in mid-2015 which never came to fruition.
    • Odessa Young was suppose to be Samantha, but Rachel Keller replaced her due to the former's concerns about filming for the episodes during COVID-19.
