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Trivia / There Was Once an Avenger From Krypton

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Trivia tropes for There Was Once an Avenger From Krypton:

Trivia With Their Own Pages

  • Accidentally-Correct Writing: In She Stole My Heart (and most of my valuables), it's shown that Eda took the identity of Marilyn while she was on Earth. Season 2 of The Owl House would reveal that the same is true for the main series as well.
  • Creator Backlash: Much of this involves the original version of The Girl Who Could Knock Out the Hulk, hence why Darthkvzn rewrote it to fix these problems.
  • Creator's Favorite: Tony Stark/Iron Man is Darthkvzn's stated favorite character overall, though he has also stated that Chloe is his favorite character when it comes to writing for said character.
  • Creator's Favorite Episode: Darthkvzn has stated that his favorite story in the series so far is To Rule Alone, to Build Together.
  • Dear Negative Reader: In the author's notes of Chapter 20 of Changing of the Guard, Darthkvzn responded to the backlash of giving Ben a female transformation in the form of Power Girl, explaining in detail why he went with the decision, as well as calling the readers who complained out on being hypocritical.note 
  • Inspiration for the Work: According to this post on the author's tumblr blog, the Kryptonverse was inspired by the Subspace Emissary story mode of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Referenced by...: An installment of the Infinity Crisis series, Amalgamated Worlds: The Sentinel's Sight (which is also a crossover with the series of the same name), sees the eponymous character overseeing the wider Omniverse. The Kryptonverse is presented as one of the Multiverses being a part of it.
  • Schedule Slip: Due in no small part to the sheer abundance of stories in The 'Verse, the series' update schedule tends to be very finicky at the best of times, ranging anywhere from a couple weeks to a few months. Darthkvzn is aware of this and has joked about how inconsistent his writing schedule is.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The second Whiplash was originally going to be the bastard child of Justin Hammer (named Sasha Hammer) who was volunteered by her father into Centipede. This was scrapped because the author found it to be too cruel an act even for someone like Justin Hammer to do.
    • The Girl Who Could Knock Out the Hulk was originally going to be a pseudo-prequel/sequel to Darthkvzn's other Avengers crossover, Beating the System.
    • Early on, Spider-Man was going to be more heavily rooted in his Andrew Garfield incarnation, with said version of Spider-Man being from another of Darthkvzn's crossovers, First Contact. But after watching and being impressed by Tom Holland's take on the character in Spider-Man: Homecoming, he decided to base Spider-Man off of that version. Though there are still carryovers from said original plan, such as Peter's connection to OsCorp via his parents and his relationship with Gwen Stacy.
    • Close Encounters of the Gem Kind was originally planned as being a one-shot and was actually a separate story from the rest of the series. The large response it gained spiraled it into being a longer fic, integrating it into The 'Verse.
  • Word of Gay: For Pride month, Darthkvzn confirmed various LGBTQA character sexualities and identities in this tumblr post. This was further expanded on in this post released on the last day of June.
    • Among the Avengers, Kara and Tony are pansexual, Steve is a closeted bisexual, Natasha is aromantic and bisexual, and Clint is biromantic and heterosexual. While Banner is straight, the Hulk identifies as pansexual.
    • For Alien Force, Ben, Julie, and Gwen are bisexual, though Gwen is questioning in this case.
    • For the Miraculous holders, Adrien is bisexual and gender non-conforming.
    • Valerie is confirmed to be bisexual.
    • Pidge identifies as both pansexual and genderfluid.
    • Mabel is confirmed to be pansexual, Wendy is bisexual, Pacifica is a lesbian, Ford is gay, and Tulip is bisexual.
    • According to this later post, Doctor Strange is demiromantic and asexual.
    • Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, according to this post, is bi/pansexual.
  • Write What You Know: According to the Author's Notes at the end of Chapter 23 of To Rule Alone, To Build Together, Chloe's experience getting drunk was based off the author's own experiences.
