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Trivia / The Unexpectables

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  • Author Appeal: The campaign's depictions of Kobolds as adorable, floppy eared, tiny folk with an aversion to pants, is due to Zito being a very big fan of that interpretation of them.
  • The Cast Showoff: Monty has a gorgeous singing voice and has gotten to show it off both in-game and out.
    • Zito used to sing in a choir as well, and he's definitely still got it.
  • Creator Backlash: Both Gaijin and Taka have voiced regrets on how they ended up making their character backstory focus almost exclusively on their homeland. As a result, Borky and Greckles' pasts don't have as much of an impact on the story as they would have liked, and if they'd known the campaign would be primarily rooted in Alivast, they would have made changes.
  • Creator's Favorite Episode: Both Connor and Bosco consider the Yugoloth arc to be their favorite arc in the campaign.
  • Flip-Flop of God: Whether or not Log is a max leveled cleric or a type of creature with a statblock has received a few contradictory statements from Monty. With her at first stating that he's not stated like a character in a class, then later on when Panic has to scry on him, she agrees with Gaijin's assessment that he's a max level cleric and gives him a wisdom save that's equal to a max wisdom cleric at that level.
  • Milestone Celebration: To celebrate the main campaign reaching 100 episodes, the group put up a poll to see if the fans would have wanted a double length episode, or a beach special, with the latter winning out.
    • The 200th episode, which also serves as the main campaign's Final Battle, is a double length episode.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: The reason Orctober didn't happen in 2021 was due to Games Workshop placing a Fan-Work Ban on the Warhammer property and Connor didn't want to risk getting into trouble with them.
  • Shrug of God:
    • Monty has been very vague about the timeframe for the founding of Alivast, and pieces of the setting, which are only discussed in broad strokes.
    • When questioned how The End infected Omnimaw Monty simply replied it was a mystery and listed off a couple of theories.
  • Throw It In!:
    • Hellina was originally a mook with a cookie cutter backstory when she was first introduced, it was only after Panic burnt her, and she ended up not getting arrested by the city guards that Monty decided to flesh her out into the character she is now.
    • Jerry was just a joke that Zito made to provide levity during a particularly heavy session, only for Monty to roll with it and make him canon.
  • What Could Have Been: Before the campaign started Monty asked if the players wanted the campaign's tone to be fantastical or grimdark. In the end, the former was decided, leading to the show's mostly light tone.
    • Log was originally meant to appear during the Construct Murders, but the group never picked the option that would lead to an encounter with him until their expedition north. This is why his backstory ties in so closely with Artemis, as he was supposed to have been met after Artemis’s death.
    • Greckles and Remy originally weren't going to be Kenku. Gaijin originally thought of playing a halfling before being inspired by the Grackles around the area he lived. Meanwhile Remy was at first thought of as a human but because Bosco wanted Remy to be able to easily interact with everyone on the party, he had Remy become the same race as Greckles to use as a connection to kickstart their interactions.
    • Monty notes at one point that Solly being taken by Stillhavity to his realm was the second-worst thing that could have happened in that situation. What exactly could have been better or worse hasn't been elaborated on, outside of the fact that Task was the deciding factor in whether or not they got the worst ending.
    • Stillhavity was planned to have a much bigger role than what he actually got with him being the Final Boss but a combination of how Orun's Folly threw a lot of the original plans Off the Rails and Stillhavity not getting the response that Monty wanted leading to her shelving him after his defeat at Orun's hands
    • Lys was intended to live after the Orun’s Folly arc, but due to Task and Borky rolling nat 1's when they had to escape Stillhavity, Monty decided to have Lys sacrifice themselves and give the guys a way to resurrect them later, rather than having the two of them dying.
      • In general Lys was meant to be revealed at a much later time than what happened and if the official art is any indication the planned introduction would have involved Brorc in some way.
    • If the party showed more interest in working with the Griffon Riders, they would have gone down a completely different story path as they would have helped with fighting the Fire Giants and uncovering relics of civilizations who used to live in Alivast, with a planned arc centered around a Cloud Giant Citadel
    • Originally the party was not supposed to know about Fleur De Mort’s sentience when the group first entered their area, with the original plan being that the party got chased off by Fleur’s attacks. But Connor mentioning early in the arc that Panic brought Speak with Plants with him had Monty realize that actual communication with Fleur was inevitable and had to plan an actual conversation with them. This also led to a part of the mystery of what happened to Ivan being solved way earlier than intended due to Fleur revealing that They seduced Ivan and got him to help attempt to spread Fleur’s seed.
    • Hammergnar was originally supposed to be a female dwarf, but a joking suggestion by Jack Kaiser about making the Aasimar of the dwarven God an elf led to Monty changing him to the way he is now.
    • Had the group busted open a specific box that held a portable hole full of evidence against the United Orun Clergy, the Tribunal would've been more about their continued interference and antagonizing of the clergy rather than the UCO's warmongering.
    • If the party actually found the secret door to the underground Orun temple back when they were with Solly, they would have found Bob, the Beholder, a lot earlier than they actually did.
    • When Task's personal arc was ongoing, Zito mentioned on discord that odds are that after getting his revenge Task was likely to not change much personality-wise and would likely have to spend some time soul searching. But Zito ultimately scrapped it after the arc brought out Task's bad side and Zito really wanted to begin playing a happier Task.
    • Seika was planned to be a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, but difficulties in getting the lore down for it led to him being a monk.
    • The Primordial Oni were all designed with almost no input from Monty outside of their accessories (Kokyu's pipe, Kosui's hook, Doketsu's Kanabō.) giving Jack Kaiser almost complete freedom to design the four of them. With the exception of Doketsu, all of them got major design revamps while in development.
    • If Remy didn’t apologize for his outburst against Vanguard Jade she wouldn’t have brought back up into the final battle, meaning the party would have had to deal with Taimatsu's army after defeating him.
    • There was a planned arc set between the Elemental Planes and the Feywild where Solly would have been a victim of a Capture and Replicate scheme by some of Averyman's children working for the UCO and it would have been a mystery arc in the similar vein of the Hidden Dangers arc. It was dropped due to not really doing anything for the story as a whole and would have been a distraction from going into the Feywild like the end of the Elemental Planes set up
    • Esme was originally planned to be either a faun or elf native to the feywild. Monty ultimately pushed for her being an Aasimar as due to being so far away from normal society she wouldn't get the benefits typically associated with it.
    • Whether or not Alivast being taken by the UCO would have had mass casualties was ultimately determined by the party hiring explorers to investigate the strange gate under the Sweet Dragon which led directly to the Undersun providing a quick and easy escape route for most characters.
    • Mr Rabbit originally planned on reworking Wesley from the B&E oneshot for his character in Digsby’s episode of the final arc but Monty had it as a rule for the final arc’s guest characters that they couldn’t a joke character, so Rabbit decided to just use the preexisting DeSoto instead.
    • Remy was not supposed to take part in the final battle with him staying to help reclaim Alivast while the party raided the UCO's headquarters. Taka's sudden departure from the show meant that there needed to be someone to fill in the fourth slot and Remy fit it like a glove.
      • When discussing what Remy's end game one shot would be like Monty noted that it would either be him allied with the Merkz again or him leading a Griffon Rider corps.
    • Bosco mentioned in a post-game qna that if Remy was introduced near the start, then he probably would have tried to pursue a romance with Willow.
    • Remy's ending for the epilogue was the most subject to change out of all of them with Bosco noting that if Remy didn't Kill the Athtar Replica in the End's Realm for catharsis he probably would have had a more bittersweet ending.
  • Word of Dante: The Alivast Oracle, a weekly newspaper produced by the fans featuring stories about the city but usually not involving any main characters. Almost all content is plausible but not officially canon, except for a few pieces based on specific intel from Monty who usually hands it out to the fan writers, such as a story about a giant salt monster sighted in the ocean, a few weeks before said monster was mentioned in the campaign itself.
    • Sometimes Jack Kaiser, one of the official artists for the series, comments about some of the things that happen on discord, and occasionally drops some facts about the creatures he draws.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: The initial founding for the setting was rushed due to Taka asking Monty to make a homebrew campaign on short notice. For example, the entire divine pantheon was made in a single day.
    • Monty definitely brushes off making the stats for characters until the last moment, this is most noticeable with Log a character who was made during the second arc but had most of his abilities determined by on-the-fly dice rolls the first time the guys got them to help the group for an extended time nearly 50 episodes later.
