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Trivia / Salty's Lighthouse

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  • Acting for Two: The tugs segments had only 5 voice actors, and only one female voice actor to boot, so this happens quite often.
    • Generally averted with the lighthouse segments due to those usually only having 5-6 characters.
  • Children Voicing Children: The titular character himself was voiced by then 10-11 year old actor Rhys Huber.
  • Crossdressing Voices: Kathleen Barr and Andrea Libman as Ocho and Claude respectively.
  • Distanced from Current Events: OJ from TUGS was renamed to "Otis" because at the time of the show's production, the O. J. Simpson case was still a hot topic and fresh on everyone's minds.
  • Dueling Shows: With The Noddy Shop, another series that framed British animation with kids coming to visit the workplace of a character who had an ocean related job and had a crustacean pet. Noddy won because it got higher ratings and is remembered more amongst people who grew up in the era, while this show aired on the lowest-rated preschool block on any channel at the time.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The show did not get many releases on home media (a few of them were part of the Video Buddy series of tapes that had interactive activities matted in between episodes), and before 2016 only a few episodes and clips could be found on YouTube. As of now all 40 episodes are available to watch on YouTube.
  • Kids' Meal Toy: Dairy Queen released a set of four toys in 2000. There was a keychain of Salty, a periscope of the Lighthouse, Beep the Tugboat, and a viewfinder of Sea More (with slides from TUGS).
  • Pop-Culture Urban Legends: Before all the episodes became available on YouTube, it was believed that both Big Mickey and the Fire Tug appeared on the show and had their names changed to Big Basil and Red Fin respectively. In reality, they were never made into established characters in the show.
  • Recycled Script: More like clips, due to the fact that Tugs only had 13 episodes, a lot of clips get recycled.
  • Renamed to Avoid Association: The TUGS character "Big Mac" was renamed "Big Stack", presumably to avoid association with the McDonald's sandwich of the same name.
