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Trivia / Padak The Webcomic

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  • Approval of God: SniperInteleon really likes fanart, so she likes to make more of the webcomic. She accepts a lot of headcanons as long as they aren't too gross or bad.
  • Creator's Favorite: Beito is SniperInteleon's overall favorite character, because he shares a lot of characteristics with her. He likes Puyo, he is overly excited, and is also blue, which is SniperInteleon's favorite color. She also likes Quara to a lesser extent.
  • Shrug of God:
    • SniperInteleon thinks that Beito has autism, but she doesn't know for sure because she has a conflicting mind.
    • She also doesn't know a lot about the tengus, as she is making up their personalities and typing quirks as she goes along. This means that the tengus are mostly improv.
  • Similarly Named Works: This webcomic shares it's name with Padak the animated movie, but has a much different premise.
  • Throw It In!: SniperInteleon made the tengu personalities as she went along, and she wanted to make a better enter scene for Bamba, but she didn't have enough energy, so she just made it like John's enter scene.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Bamba's enter flash. It was supposed to be longer, and was supposed to use the rest of Underwhelming Battle from Epithet Erased. SniperInteleon didn't have energy, so she just made it like John's enter flash.
  • Word of God: SniperInteleon has revealed a lot of stuff.
    • There are four more classes and four more aspects. This then makes it possible to have 16 tengus.
    • She also revealed the STRIFE SPECIBI of every revealed character, such as Tarra having BOOMERANGKIND, and Ascle having KHOPESHKIND.
  • Write What You Know: SniperInteleon is hyperactive like Beito is, and she believes that Beito is literally her venting.
