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  • Creator's Oddball: This is MGA Entertainment's fashion doll line that has a heavy focus on the dolls' individual gimmicksnote . Their previous lines, Bratz and Moxie Girlz were released as traditional fashion dolls and later had lines with gimmicks. The "Orbit Beach" line is the only release under the brand that lacks these gimmicks.
  • Follow the Leader: The line adopts the Punny Name theming similar to the then-rising Monster High, ironically something Bratzillaz (which was actually made to compete with Monster High) didn't take up.
  • No Export for You: The final wave of dolls, Wave 2 Super Novas (which includes Justina Hour, Doe A. Deer, Carmela Sweet, and Frostina Sprinkles), were never released outside of Europe.
