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Trivia / Loyalty Among Worlds

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Trivia tropes for Loyalty Among Worlds

In General

  • Dear Negative Reader: Initially, AdmiralDT8 didn't take negative criticism well. He did everything from deleting negative comments and reviews to even blocking people who dislike his work note . One infamous incident is when Twitter user and Amphibia wiki editor RealJVirgnia asked him to stop stealing and tracing the renders Virginia drew and placing them in his fanfiction. AdmiralDT8 responded by blocking him on Twitter. However, he has since learned to start accepting negative criticism which many see as having contributed to the rewritten version being higher quality.

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    The original fic 
  • Bury Your Art: Around late 2023, AdmiralDT8 removed several animations related to his fanfiction off his youtube channel for unknown reasons.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Despite the fanfiction having been deleted off Fan with the edits being put behind a paywall, archives of the fanfiction still exist on several websites as well as the edits being reposted and uploaded several times.
  • Referenced by...: The Owl and The Frog in Chapter 50 when Luz, Anne, and Amara look through Cynthia's Coven fanfics. Here, it is called "Loyalty Among Covens" with CaptainCT5 being a in-universe stand-in for AdmiralDT8. Luz, Anne and Amara's feelings of disgust towards the fanfic echo many of the common criticisms levied at this fanfic by the Amphibia fandom like the low-quality screenshot edits, the author's self-insert being shipped with a teenager while the author is in their late 20s, and the story's lack of originality.
  • What Could Have Been: On AdmiralDT8's Deviantart page, the reference sheet for Darrel's family also has a young boy character called Richard. Curiously, Richard never gets an appearance nor even a mention, indicating that he may have been scrapped.
  • Write Who You Know: Two characters featured within the fanfic, Ivan Munroad and Jake Zoobrawd, are actually Original Characters created by AdmiralDT8's friends artrodder and Jake-Zubrod.

     The 2024 rewrite 
  • Author's Saving Throw: Prior to the rewrite, the fanfiction was generally considered to be the worst Amphibia fanfiction ever written, in part due to the perceived self insert of an adult being shipped with an underage girl, the poor writing, poor dialogue and plethora of other issues, not helping was that AdmiralDT8 refused to accept negative critiques as mentioned above. However, due to AdmiralDT8 now accepting negative critiques and feedback, Darrel being renamed to Dyllan note , as well as the writing being significantly improved, better dialogue and the grammatical errors being mostly fixed has led to many in the fandom giving him, and by extension this fanfiction, a second chance.
  • Renamed to Avoid Association: In the rewrite, Darrell, whilst still retaining the same name phonetically, now has an extra "L" in his name note  as to not be considered a self insert which gained his notoriety in the first place. Later, Darrell was renamed to Dyllan.
