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Trivia / James & Mike Mondays

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  • The Cast Showoff:
    • The second half of the Mario Paint video consists of Mike doing drawing after drawing, and they're pretty impressive. He went on to record several Mario Paint live streams to further display his talent with the game. Of course, he's also the guy who did the title cards for the first 100 episodes of AVGN.
    • Bootsy has beaten three incredibly difficult games on the show: Battletoads, Silver Surfer (1990), and Back to the Future III (Genesis).
  • Colbert Bump: Nearly every game featured on this show is prone to this trope if it wasn't already popular, with used copies of Sky Kid skyrocketing in price after its episode.
  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer: There are a few instances of this during the guys' playthrough of Bully (though this is justified, since James and Mike had never actually played the game before). They frequently refer to Bullworth Academy as a college instead of a boarding school, and mistakenly identify the bully characters as nerds (presumably due to their white polo shirts).
  • Creator Breakdown: As explained by Mike Matei, the show got tiring to produce while also focusing on his live streaming; it's one of many reasons he decided to end the series.
  • Dear Negative Reader: Mike mentioned in the Metroid II video that he gets annoyed at the armchair quarterbacks in the video comments who claim that James and Mike are terrible at video games and need to "Git gud"Note . James found that phrase amusing and thought it should be on T-shirts.
    Mike: You can't be good and say that.
    James: 'Cause you're not the one playing it.
    Mike: Yeah. So that's why you're an asshole. "Git gud", 'cause you know that dude's not good. (laughs)
  • Meaningful Release Date: A video of the duo playing Friday the 13th: The Game was released on, what else? Friday the 13th.
  • Milestone Celebration: The 300th Episode is them revisiting Double Dragon II as one of their challenges and looking back at the best moments of previous episodes.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • There have been numerous games mentioned in passing that they wanted to play in future episodes that likely won't happen now, since the show ended after Mike left Cinemassacre.
    • Occasionally, they'll play a game but weren't recording at the time, such as Double Dragon Neon; it would've been interesting if they had, because it could've been a J&MM episode.
    • There was an episode which they did record (Final Fight One) but due to a technical glitch which caused the playback to be at lightning speed, they couldn't use it.
