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Trivia / Doctor Who S33 E9 "Hide"

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  • Completely Different Title: The French title is "Le Fantôme de Caliburn" (The Ghost of Caliburn).
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Originally planned as a crossover, with Bernard Quatermass in the place of Professor Palmer (riffing off the reference to the British Experimental Rocket Group in "Remembrance of the Daleks"). There's still a couple of nods to this, like Palmer complaining a previous project of his was taken over by the government (Quatermass and the Pit opens with the Rocket Group being commandeered by the Ministry of Defence).
    • In the original script, the Hex was the otherworldly dimension in which Hila was trapped, and it was the prison of the Lost Lord, an ancient Time Lord also called the Revenant of Anathenon who had become snared in the Hex so long ago that he was now just a bogeyman of Gallifreyan legend. The Lost Lord sought to tempt the Doctor into the Hex and feed on him, enabling him to return to the normal universe where he would begin absorbing all of time. The Lost Lord element of the tale was discarded, to be replaced by the more straightforward Crooked Man. (The Hex terminology would survive until recording, before being lost in editing.) However, Steven Moffat became concerned that the Crooked Man was now too shallow a concept. He worked with Neil Cross to develop the idea of the two Crooked Men and the love which bound them, reinforcing themes already present in the storyline.
  • Working Title: Phantom of the Hex and The Hider in the House.
