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Trivia / Doctor Who S33 E10 "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS"

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  • Blooper: In the final conversation between Clara and the Doctor, you can tell there are two distinct takes making up the scene because Clara's hair consistently shifts between being on either side of her head when the camera is facing her and being all pulled over her left shoulder and even off her neck when the camera's behind her.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Writer Steve Thompson’s first idea was having the TARDIS invaded by teenagers after crashing a school field trip. Steven Moffat disliked this idea, so Thompson pivoted into replacing the students with a salvage team.
    • For a time, the Van Baalens were a team because of a scarcity in metal.
    • The third van Baalen brother was named Sander rather than being the android Tricky, while Gregor was disfigured and had mechanical parts.
  • You Look Familiar: Sarah Louise Madison (Time Zombie) also played a Weeping Angel, although the elaborate prosthetics required for both characters make it less obvious.
