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Trivia / Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World

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  • Better Export for You: A LaserDisc came out in Japan, but not in the US. It was the possible way to get the original version in the highest quality possible, with "A Little Thought" and without "Mrs. Potts' Party".
  • Creator Killer: While R.O.T.O.R. retreated him back to animation, this was the final project that Cullen Blaine ever directed. He stuck mostly to layouts and storyboards from here on out.
  • Cut Song: Disney+ cut "A Little Thought".
  • Failed Pilot Episode: The movie is the remains of a Beauty and the Beast TV series that got abandoned during production, with the handful of finished episodes cut and pasted into a package film.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: This has received the fewest DVD releases of any Beauty and the Beast movie, and the last one went out of print back in 2012. Additionally, the original cut never came to DVD. The title has been featured on Disney+ which at least makes it viewable again though it's missing one of the shorts.
  • Missing Episode: The original release and Disney+ lack "Mrs. Potts' Party", supposedly another episode of the unreleased TV series that was completed but never aired.
  • Missing Trailer Scene: Some clips of "Mrs. Potts' Party" appeared in the trailer for the first Belle's Magical World VHS, even though that story didn't make it onto the tape.
  • The Other Darrin:
    • Anne Rogers voices Mrs. Potts, instead of Angela Lansbury.
    • Chip is voiced by Gregory Grudt, taking the place of Haley Joel Osment who voiced him in Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas.
    • In the Latin Spanish dub, Araceli de León didn't voice Fifi, being replaced by Toni Rodríguez.
    • Also, for the 2003 Special Edition re-release that included the "Mrs. Potts' Party" story, Arturo Mercado once again had to replace Carlos Petrel as Lumiere because of his death in 2000. Petrel's recorded lines from the three other stories remained intact.
  • Unspecified Role Credit: Unlike the original and midquel, the cast list only lists the actors' names and not who they voiced.
