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Tear Jerker / The Story of Perrine

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  • In Episode 14, Perrine injures her foot and is forced to stay in the carriage while Marie frantically heads to the nearest doctor, causing Perrine to blame herself for creating more work for her mother.
  • In Episode 16, Perrine tries to keep the photography business running when Marie is bedridden, but fails to attract any customers because she's seen as Just a Kid, leaving her unable to pay for the inn they're staying at. Marie has to sell her husband's memento to raise enough money for the rest of their travels.
  • Perrine being forced to sell Palikare to cover Marie's medical expenses. What makes it even worse is that because Palikare refuses to enter the horse market, Perrine ends up selling him for far less money than he might have otherwise gone for.
  • The anime's rendition of Marie's death is as sad, if not more, than in the original.
  • The episodes where Perrine has to travel on her own are a difficult watch. She gets her money stolen by a disingenuous bakernote , eventually runs out of money and food, collapses several times from exhaustion, comes down with an illness, has nightmares about her mother's death, and even nearly dies in the woods after giving up hope.
  • Vulfran telling Perrine (unaware of her true identity) that he despises her mother and doesn't care for his grandchild. Perrine remains understandably upset over this for most of the following episode, during which things get even worse for her when Baron is shot. (Fortunately, he recovers.)
  • In Episode 42, Perrine quietly reminds herself in the mirror that even though she now lives with Vulfran, he still does not see her as his granddaughter, but instead as his loyal secretary.
  • Vulfran finally receiving the news that his son is dead, which becomes doubly tear-jerking when Perrine starts crying as well.
