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Tear Jerker / The Online Warrior

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  • The death of Max's 16 year old Xbox. After much glitchy struggling, Max finally manages to get the Xbox to play OutRun 2. As he passes a check point, there's a sudden, massive, graphical glitch that causes the road, and the whole world, to disappear and be replaced with a serene, shining whiteness that the car drifts out into. Max is lost in the whiteness for one minute and just as the game announces "Time Over", the woman in the passenger seat begins flailing one of her arms, as if she's waving goodbye. The game stops on that frame, with the woman raising her hand, and begins playing the track "Last Wave"... More than a few commenters agree that all of this was, indeed, Max's Xbox telling him farewell as only a console can and passing on to video game heaven.
  • Kenny has always been an avid fan of Eddy Gordo and he did not take it well when Tekken 7 only gave Eddy very minimum, nonsensical story content and the fact that Lucky Chloe humiliated him thoroughly in her ending sent him straight into Heroic BSoD in the middle of streaming that Steve and Max had to hug him and try to cheer him up, and Kenny did not wake up... until Max gave him a Rousing Speech on how Eddy's still playable and that should've been the greatest thing.
  • Pretty much the entirety of "What Happened? MVCI: A Case Study Of What Not To Do". It's hard not to feel bad about Max while he maintains a somber tone throughout the whole video, lamenting on what Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite could have been. To make things worse, he's clearly distraught when he talks about having to cancel Infinite-related episodes for Assist Me due to receiving death threats over his cautiously optimistic opinion of the game.
  • Real Talk: EVO Online Cancelled & The Future of the FGC: It's already hard enough seeing Max dejected over an event he's had a hand in for the better part of fourteen years. When he starts reluctantly talking about sexual harassment allegations against EVO's top staff members (some allegations going on twenty years old), he outright says "I don't want to talk about it" and it's hard to not notice how heartbroken he is that one of his favorite events was ruined by the selfishness of a few people. He also wonders out loud multiple times if he somehow had a hand in enabling this, despite being considered nothing but a positive force for the EVO community for many years. Speaking of which, when he brings up some of his EVO memories and the thousands of fans he's met over the years, people in his Twitch chat start accusing him of being some sort of paid shill for EVO; he immediately replies with the most disappointed tone he's ever mustered on-camera rebutting those statements and clarifies that his yearly trips to the event usually cost him five to ten thousand dollars.
  • Thank you Benny is Max's public farewell to Benny, who had passed away earlier in the year from renal failure. His initial diagnosis was caught in the very early stages and he lived for roughly 3 years afterward, including being present for the first year and a half of Ripley's life.
