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Tear Jerker / Roblox

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  • "The Eggverse", the main theme for Egg Hunt 2019: Scrambled in Time. It fits very well with the Eggverse being in grave danger, and it's especially sad if you think of it as the requiem for monthly events, given that Scrambled in Time was the last official event before the addition of Live-Ops.
  • The trailer for After The Flash: Mirage. It starts out with a man driving his family on the road, only for the mother and son to dissipate, revealing them to be none other than a mirage. Not long afterwards, both the driver and the road are also revealed to be mirages, showing how Nothing Is the Same Anymore thanks to the nuclear war, with the somber music really hammering the point home.
  • Prelude of RPG ELEVATOR were pretty depressing, as it show the world after World War 3.
