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Tear Jerker / Mokepon

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  • After being rudely rebuffed by Atticus at the end of the Pewter City Arc, George breaks into tears.
  • You wouldn't expect many in a Pokémon parody where the characters haven't even reached Pewter City yet, but damn. How can you not feel bad for poor, poor Dragonthing? Then there's the implication that Prof. Oak has become very broken due to the grief caused by the disappearance of his grandson ten years earlier.
  • They burned down Viridian Forest. There's dead Pokemon every where and no one, not even Atticus is happy about it.
  • Atticus leaves George behind. Yeah she's being too peppy and annoying, but she was calming down. Atticus just leaves her there and she breaks down crying. Well, damn.
  • Rat in general gets abused a ton, and while a ton of it is for comedy, its heartbreaking to realize Atty barely notices that he's there a lot as he tries to get his trainers approval. Which makes him beating an equally determined Raichu while exhausted a Moment of Awesome, as well as this because Atticus has a Jerkass Realization and begins treating him way better, such as standing up for him when the Pokemon Fan Club members insult his appearance.
  • Atticus' trip aboard the S.S. Anne is nothing short of a disheartening Humiliation Conga experience. After learning that Gym Leaders can't give badges outside their gyms, he is forced into a battle he doesn't want to be a part of, Is pitted up against a charizard that outranks everyone on his team, Is humiliated when he calls on Fish, and has his shirt insulted. By the end, He's silently crying at a guard rail. Keep in mind, all this was instigated by GYM LEADERS (except one) and the CHAMPION.
    • To futher illustrate, Atticus has begun to outright disown poor Fish because of this, refusing to even try to train him from this point on.
