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Tear Jerker / Father of the Pride

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  • In "Catnip and Trust," Sierra is clearly hurt by her parents not believing that the catnip in her room is not hers (it is later revealed to be Sarmoti's) and even starts trembling as she fights back tears.
    "Well, congratulations! I didn't want to do drugs before, but now maybe I will!"
  • In "One Man's Meat is Another Man's Girlfriend," Snack when he (rightfully) assumes that Candy dumped him. It gets Played for Laughs later.
  • In "Possession," Hunter becomes depressed due to being bullied by Anthony. At one point, Sarmoti looks out the window when he hears Hunter in distress, just in time to see Anthony roughly push Hunter to the ground, making him drop his collection of Lord of the Rings action figures. When Tom calls Anthony and he leaves, Hunter looks down at his toys sorrowfully.
