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Tear Jerker / Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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  • The ending to Symphony of the Night's Dracula fight. The revised dub particularly, excluding (mostly) the original version's Narm Charm. View it here
    • On that note... The whole series from Dracula's viewpoint. Yes, Dracula is a monster. Yes, his life sucks, basically because Love Makes You Evil... And also there is the pieces of art by Kojima with him holding his first and second wife in the exact same way... A tearjerking continuity nod.
    • Oh by the way, to add this up further? In the Japanese version, Alucard was practically sobbing while he was uttering his mother's words to Dracula. So basically, even if his dad is an utter prick, it's still pretty sucky for Alucard to beat the crap outta him just to convey his mother's words.
      Dracula: Tell me... What... what were Lisa's last words?
      Alucard: ...She said, "Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, at least do them no harm, for theirs is already a hard lot." She also said to tell you... that she would love you for all eternity.
      Dracula: Lisa... Forgive me! Farewell... my son...
      • One final twist: the animated series gives us the scene of Lisa's execution. Dracula was even on his way home, and only a few hours too late to save her... solely because he chose to live with her as a man.
  • Regardless of the cheese value of song itself, the lyrics of "I Am The Wind" solemnly convey Alucard's character.
    All things must end / Goodbye my friend / Think of me when you see the sun of feel the wind
  • The Bad Endings get this, given you have to kill Richter to get them, but the worst ending is especially so as Alucard reflects on what he thinks was going on, despite not knowing the truth of the circumstances, and laments that he'll never see his beautiful home again before leaving forever. The overall feeling of sadness and hurt is especially prevalent here.
  • As mentioned in the Alternative Character Interpretation entry here, it's not exactly clear if Richter's Motive Rant is the result of Shaft's mind control or if it's a real fear of Richter's that his one chance at defeating Dracula means he's now essentially useless the rest of his life, but you can't help but feel sorry for the poor guy that what he says is the truth, brainwashed or not. Dracula is revived once a century, so all Richter can do now is father the next generation of Belmonts ...unless you kill Richter in the bad endings. Doing so means you've singlehandedly did what Dracula could not... wiped out the Belmonts, the one family that had the power to oppose him.
  • The Owl Knight enemy is a rather tragic enemy, as if you kill the Owl first the Knight will kneel over its body in shock and if the Knight dies first the owl will hover over its Master's body, both giving you a cruel opening to take advantage of before they regain their composure and go berserk. This is one enemy you probably won't enjoy fighting.
