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Sliding Scale / Crack Pairing

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Sliding Scale of Crack Pairing:

  • -10: Official Couple.
  • -8: Hinted at in the work itself.
  • -6: Canonically friends or colleagues.
  • 1: Enemies with subtext.
  • 2: Characters in the same work who have interacted with each other a few times.
  • 3: Characters in the same work who haven’t met each other at all.
  • 4: Enemies with no romantic subtext.
  • 5. Crossover Ship of characters from the same medium, generally with similar audiences and tones.
  • 8. Characters from works with wildly different tones.
  • 9. A pairing featuring characters from works with wildly different tones, mediums, and audiences.
  • 10: Pairing fictional characters with real people.
