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Sandbox / Marvel Characters Pages: Spoiler Limits

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A sandbox to help keep track of the unmarked spoiler rules for the many, many Characters pages for Marvel Comics.

As of March 2023, most of these pages carry a vague warning that there are unmarked spoilers for "all but the most recent comics".

  • In line with the Examples Are Not Recent guidance, there is a wish to move away from this wording.
  • Additionally, it's acknowledged that the Marvel Universe franchise is so complex, with characters reappearing across the Shared Universe, that a single consistent cut-off point may not be practical or desirable across every page. And some pages may be best with all spoilers tagged and no cut-off point.

Marvel Comics cleanup and maintenance is the relevant forum thread for this work.

Pages that have already been updated

Decisions have been made for these pages, and a review at that point found no unmarked spoilers needed to be tagged (in some cases, there may still be tagged spoilers that don't need tagging).

Pages needing cleanup

Decisions have been made for these pages, but cleanup is needed to ensure all spoilers after the cut-off point are properly tagged.

Pages that are currently under discussion

Each of these has a discussion page post proposing a spoiler approach and asking for feedback from other tropers.

Pages that are candidates for the next set of discussions
