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Roleplay / My Superhero World

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     New Beginnings 
It was an age of heroes. For decades, Superheroes protected the world, leading through example and standing for something other than themselves. With these new myths and icons opening the door, the world was able to put the past behind it and move on to greener pastures. What was once thought of as science fiction or fantasy became reality. Space travel was a fact of life. New races both native to Earth and from afar were popping out of the woodwork and establishing relations with humanity almost daily. All while their heroes continued to keep the peace. It was like paradise, and almost seemed too good to be true.

But perhaps it was. Ever since the world's greatest hero The Saint was murdered three years ago, the peace that he and the other heroes had helped to establish had been ripped off like a bandaid. Prohuman purists and radical nonhuman organizations popped out of the woodwork, and the events of the last year have only made things worse. The destruction of Supercity led to a renewed assault against nonhumans and superhumans alike, calling for their heads as they looked for someone to blame.

If that weren't enough, the son of Leon Leopold, the Saint's greatest archenemy popped out of the woodwork as the heir apparent, taking over his late father's fortune and using it to fuel the rebuilding of Super City as well as a highly publicized Presidential campaign. So far it hasn't been clear what he plans to base his campaign around, but if he's anything like his father, it probably isn't anything pleasant.

But life goes on. The Protectors and the Foundation still do their best to protect and serve, even if the public becomes increasingly more hostile to them by the day. But with the general population becoming ever more dissatisfied with such large public groups, something needed to give. In the wake of Supercity's destruction, those most involved in the events that followed decided that the Protectors and Foundation weren't enough. That what was needed was something new. A group that could work in the shadows, beneath the surface and out of the public eye. That could tackle the problems that others couldn't handle. In the year that followed, others answered the call, joining their ranks as they prepared themselves for what was to come.

Here's hoping they survive the experience.
Let's Go Change the World... for the better(?)

My Superhero World is a Play By Post game started on TV Tropes in April 2020 by kkhohoho. It is a Superhero / Cape Punk story starring the colorful local heroes of Super City, California.

Below, find the links to the:


  • Became Their Own Antithesis: Martin and Marcus compared to City and even the former's debut in COIR. No confirmed Faceā€“Heel Turn yet.
  • Beware the Superman: A major theme again, and people with the faces and names of the heroes did just launch a major invasion led by a maniac. However, this does not mean 'Fear the Superman' at least to a paralyzing fear. In the very first arc three ordinary mooks try to shoot up a gathering of supers, including the veterans of the Saviors' War.
  • Cape Punk: The setting is not just supers beat up bad guys. The 'how' and things like ethics and image heavily affect play. The first encounter only takes as long as it does for the heroes, not just the IW, avoiding blowing the gunmen away and keeping the civilians safe.
  • Cast Herd: The Class acts in 3 distinct groups.
  • Crapsack World: Kid heroes have gone to war. The City of Adventure has been invaded 2 times in 3 years and the 3rd year it dealt with two homegrown insurgencies. The public was slowly heading down the stages of genocide not 2 years ago and the Guardians and Gaea successor politics are mainstream.
  • Cycle of Revenge: Simmering in the background, especially during the Savior invasion but sides are hardening as 'tribes' attack each other and defend each other.
  • Fantastic Racism: The effects of the Gaea campaign in year two didn't just vanish when Gaea fell. And well, its been simmering beneath the surface ever since Saint publicized the existence of the supernatural and extranormal.
  • Heroic Fatigue: While many of the veterans seem to start fresh, fatigue hits a few of the returning heroes. Marcus is barely making himself keep going. At the beginning.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Some of the heroes flirt with very Savior-like ideas to protect the world, their loved ones, and themselves.
  • No Biochemical Barriers: Zach and Yoko have a couple of kids when the series starts. Mikael's existence is evidence that humans and demons can reproduce. And so far, Martin has not died (permanently anyway) even before being empowered by 'Love'. That said, he doesn't talk about what happens...
  • Non-Indicative Name: This saga mostly covers events in the United States of America.
  • Not Wearing Tights: While most of the class has codenames and some even have costumes, many don't bother with super names or Spandex. "Costumes" consist of everything from white tie suits to robot armor.
  • Orphaned Series: World didn't make it particularly far before fizzling out, shutting down midway through one of the missions.
  • Our Gods Are Greater : Cosmic Horrors and self-proclaimed gods aside, the deities of humanity are taught to be tulpa created by humanity's belief/want for deities.
  • Overlord Jr.: Leon Leopold Jr comes out of the woodwork to begin a presidential campaign. At least those are his overt plans.
  • Reset Button: Mostly averted, except where it hurts. The piled on effects on regular disasters, agitation by Gaean and Guardian propagandists, takes its toll every year. More personally, Martin's tactic results in him losing his memory and all of his hero and relationship experience. Right after his engagement. And he'd become sort of the Big Good in Saint's absence.
  • Super Team: The cast is split into 3. They differ sharply in how they're organized and how they interact.
Season One 
  • Superheroes Stay Single: Played with. Mikael and Ellie have been lovers for years and are now married. Zach and Yoko are wed and the parents of three. Ash and Rebecca have happily retired from heroics and do couple things and may never realize that they're a couple. Mahvash and Martin though... well, see the reset button.
  • The War Just Before: While the heroes are used to this, the civilians never seem to adapt. And well, they do get their city invaded and/or destroyed every year. This time, the heroes fought themselves trying to conquer the world to bring it to 'peace'. Before that, the heroes held off two insurgencies as students. Held off, not suppressed. The ostensible leader of one gave herself up, and given her factions' widespread popular support and the nature of an insurgency, they may have only scratched the movement. This is after the Gaea War before that the only entrenched post-2016 politics and set up the USA for the Guardian and Post-Gaea insurgencies...
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Gita wants to become a superhero because they believe Good Feels Good. Given how well that's worked out for everyone else and what kind of world they live in, this line of thinking comes off as woefully naive at best and borderline Too Dumb to Live at worst.
