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Recap / Yu Gi Oh The Abridged Series S 2 E 8 Sore

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"Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series. According to Wikipedia, we don't exist!"
'''-Yami Yugi"


  • Absurdly High-Stakes Game: Averted. It appears that losing to Arcana will result in Yami's legs being sliced off (which was actually true in the original Japanese version), but censorship from 4Kids rendered the duel physically harmless. It just sends you to the Shadow Realm instead. Then Bakura shows up and gets sawed in half, showing that 4Kids forgot to censor them after all.
  • Call-Back: The "every time Kaiba smiles a puppy dies" joke is continued here by putting a "+1 dead puppy" text over every shot of Kaiba smiling.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Mokuba finally tells someone to shut up right back. And then apologizes for it.
  • Drunk with Power: Mokuba uses his status as commissioner of the tournament to do things like demand that participants buy him a pet rabbit.
  • Fanservice:
    • This is the Dark Magician Girl's debut episode.
      Yami: Now I summon the Dark Magician Girl, inspiring numerous failed attempts at cosplay the world over.
    • Marik ends the episode by stripping just to taunt his fangirls.
      Marik: Now watch, fangirls, as I strip! (drops his robe to reveal the words "DIE YUGI DIE" on his back) Yeah, get a load of that back. You [EFF!]ing love it, don't you?
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Poor Bakura.
    Bakura: I say, Yugi, can I be in this episode? (gets sliced in half) OH BUGGERATION!
  • Open Secret: The only one who thinks that the fact that Arcana is working for Marik isn't blatantly obvious is Arcana.
  • Self-Deprecation: The bullying victim in the intro is called a fool for mixing up Graceful Dice and Graceful Charity, referencing a goof from the previous episode.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Spoiling Shout-Out: Yami wins his duel against Arcana by "spoil[ing] every plot twist in existence, thereby ridding the general public of any desire to see your convoluted mess of a movie series." It begins with him mentioning that Snape kills Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and eventually concludes with him spoiling that Rosebud was Kane's sled in Citizen Kane.
    Yami: I see. Then the only way to defeat you is to spoil every plot twist in existence, thereby ridding the general public of any desire to see your convoluted mess of a movie series!
    Arkana: You wouldn't dare!
    Yami: Wanna bet? SNAPE KILLS DU
    [many spoilers later]
    Arcana: NO! You're spoiling all the best plot twists!
  • Take That!: The Villain of the Week's chances of succeeding are described as "about as likely as Battlestar Galactica having a satisfying conclusion."
