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Recap / With This Ring Episode 26

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Episode 26: Gude-Willie Waught

Takes place 31 December 2010.

Short version

The Light uses Starro-tech to Mind Control the Justice League and take over the Watchtower, but the Team gathers allies, rescues the League, and drives the Light forces out.

Longer version

Batman calls the Team together to inform them that Red Arrow is actually a mentally programmed clone who has been passing information to the League's enemies, and has now gone on the run. However, Batman's emotions look slightly different to usual, and his behavior is off. After he leaves, Red Tornado attempts to prevent the Team from pursuing Red Arrow without authorisation, but Teekl attacks him and reveals a piece of mind-controlling Starro-tech that was attached to his back by Batman. The Team realises that the entire League must be compromised, and they evacuate the Mountain under fire from Accomplished Perfect Physician.

Once at a safe distance, the Team starts collecting allies. The Frees, Firebrand, Alan, and Teth Adom prepare to fight the League, while Dr Roquette and the Atlanteans use a G-Gnome telepathic network to prepare a cure for the Starro-tech, and John Constantine searches for the precise location of the Watchtower. Paul also enhances Adom's mortal form with the Danner formula.

Hours later, once they have a location and a countermeasure, the Team assaults the Watchtower and finds Klarion in control, along with a number of Nazi allies and the mind-controlled League. However, Lantern Gardner is somehow resisting the effects of Klarion's control. Together, they are able to defeat the remaining League members — including taking Lantern Stewart's ring and converting it to orange, thus gaining access to the Green Lantern Corps' database — and bind Klarion and Nabu in magic suppression chains. John begins a ritual intended to banish both Lords to their respective planes, but Captain Nazi evacuates Klarion before it can finish.

In the aftermath, Lantern Gardner reveals that he resisted the mind control by bonding with Ion. Having seen Paulphidian, he's concerned about the long term effects, but Paul reassures him that Ion isn't as possessive.

Zatanna kisses Paul for New Year's, but he tells her afterward that he feels a relationship would be inappropriate when she's emotionally depending on him.

The Renegade timeline sees a much faster response by the Team (preventing the League's canonical assault on Rimbor). The Renegade is able to sense the Starro-tech during Batman's initial briefing, and Celestial Archer's trick shots are able to remove it. Furthermore, Construct-Lantern Nabu has given Zatanna additional training in fighting against Klarion's chaos magic, allowing her to purge the Starro-tech with a sentence, and he is able to provide the Watchtower's location. The Team collects Lantern Gardner and the Frees, then attacks immediately, liberating the League and forcing Klarion to flee. The Renegade is also able to copy a database from Lantern Jordan's ring, although he is unable to assimilate the ring itself before the fight is over. In the aftermath, he arms the Watchtower to prevent future attacks.

Equivalent canon episode: "Auld Acquaintance". Both titles are phrases from "Auld Lang Syne", with a "gude willie-waught" being a good drink together.
