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Recap / Tuca And Bertie S 3 E 7 A Very Speckle Episode

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Speckle tries to hold it together as his career plans start to crumble, and Tuca gets way too into astrology.


  • A Day in the Limelight: For Speckle, but unlike past episodes, focus is more on Speckle than on Bertie to the point we see HIM having literal internal struggles much like Bertie's.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Cliff tries inviting Speckle to a mannequin store because the female clerks there are very meek and won't stop them... from messing with as many mannequins as they want.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Speckle makes himself a "strawbeggy omelette", an omelette with strawberries in it. It is... not as good as he imagined.
  • Excrement Statement: Speckle drops his pants and takes an offscreen dump right on top of the beams at the end of his rant.
  • Freudian Slip: Hurt that Bunny didn't like her boba beans, Bertie accidentally calls Speckle "Bean" before correcting herself.
  • Ghost in the Machine: A tiny Speckle inside his brain acts as his conscience to not blurt out things that could ruin the plans.
  • Huge Holographic Head: The Head of the State Treasury Department is a giant holographic head in a large mechanical room.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Bertie can be seen as this when she took the time to talk about her workday about her bean idea being shot down, but then cut Speckle off when he tries to talk about his day.
  • Pointy-Haired Boss: Speckle's Boss REALLY doesn't want to talk to Speckle unless he brings her morning coffee. She also consider Speckle's design for his affordable housing building is magazine worthy and DEMANDS he goes through with building it, no matter how much he compromises the "affordable housing" aspect to it.
  • Rage Breaking Point: After putting up with enough bullshit surrounding the issue of affordable housing, Speckle flies into a deranged rant about what rich assholes could possibly live in.
  • Single Tear: Cliff sheds one in The Stinger when he sees that his favorite mannequin place has closed down for nesters.
  • Wingding Eyes: Bertie's pupil turns into a bouncing boba bean while still stewing about how Bunny just spit them all out.
