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Recap / Total Drama: "Numbskull Island"

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The teams compete to retrieve a skull from each other's bases.


  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: The Trouts begin gathering the weapons Chris provided, and then Scary Girl calls dibs on a jackhammer that Chef left lying around.
  • Cannot Tell Fiction from Reality: Wayne and Raj think that because Nichelle didn't actually stop an alien invasion, the aliens are still coming for Earth.
  • Companion Cube: Scary Girl keeps the skull from the challenge, even after she leaves the island.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: Priya tries winning Scary Girl over to her alliance, only to keep pissing her off. To make matters worse, Zee steps in to help her, which has the unintended effect of completing the grave that Scary Girl is all too willing to bury Priya in.
  • Diving Save: Bowie saves Raj from a boulder this way. It leads to a rather flirty moment between the two.
  • Exorcist Head: At multiple times throughout the episode, Scary Girl demonstrates the ability to turn her head 180 degrees.
  • Facial Horror: Priya, after she finally gets the plunger off her face.
  • Fartillery: Ripper uses a fan to send his farts in the direction of the Frogs, smoking them out of their hiding spot.
  • The Greatest Story Never Told: MK finds the controls for the shields in the boathouse, using them to mess with the enemy team and aid her own. Unfortunately for her, the others (except Emma, who she talked with through the speakers) think she ditched the challenge and hid the whole time.
  • Human Shield: Ripper uses Priya as a shield to plow through a fire hose, plungers, and even a large boulder.
  • Implied Death Threat: Scary Girl gives off this line as she approaches the Frogs while riding a jackhammer:
    Scary Girl: Who wants to be my first crush?
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Sure, Ripper got Priya maimed by using her as a Human Shield, but he did almost win the challenge for his team, and would have assured victory if it wasn't for Scary Girl deciding to give the skull a makeover instead of just handing it over to Chris.
  • Lampshade Hanging: MK questions if the show screens the contestants before selecting them after seeing Scary Girl attempting to murder others with a jackhammer, which she later comes to a conclusion after seeing her confessionals: no. This is a question that should've been asked over a decade ago seeing how the show has casted people like Izzy, Sierra, Mike, Amy, Max, Scarlett, Dave, and Sugar.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Wayne and Raj are moping over Nichelle's stunts being faked, to which MK tells them that they shouldn't assume that everything they see on TV is real. Wayne and Raj realize that they're currently on TV, giving them an existential crisis.
  • Lesser of Two Evils: Millie feels this way when she betrays her alliance to get Scary Girl voted off over Ripper.
  • Messy Maggots: The campers' breakfast has visible, moving maggots.
  • The Millstone: Zee blasts Emma with the fire hose after she grabbed the skull, sending her straight to Chris and winning the challenge for the Frogs.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Damien pretends he didn't see MK and claims she's gone when she's finally managed to find a hiding spot after Scary Girl's been chasing after her with a jack harmer. Not only the suggestion to go after someone else ends with Scary Girl chasing after him, but when he finds a hiding spot, MK, having gained control of the traps, blows his cover.
  • Ominous Visual Glitch: Scary Girl causes one in an inexplicably darkened confessional.
  • Organ Theft: Scary Girl now knows everyone's names, which is good in case she needs an organ...
  • The Reveal: Wayne reveals to the audience that he knows Raj is gay.
  • Ship Tease: Bowie and Raj share a moment after the Diving Save mentioned above.
  • Skewed Priorities: Scary Girl costs her team the challenge when she takes the skull aside for a makeover, giving Emma enough time to get the other skull to Chris. This is what gets Scary Girl voted out in the end.
  • Team Killer: Scary Girl starts chasing Damien with the jackhammer, saying that his screaming is too delicious for her to pass up even though they're on the same team.
  • Voice of the Legion: Scary Girl's voice becomes distorted as she swears vengeance on her teammates for her elimination.


Video Example(s):


Scary Girl

Scary Girl loves the sound of Damien screaming, hence why she keeps trying to maim him.

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4.91 (11 votes)

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Main / LovesTheSoundOfScreaming

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