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Recap / The Review Team S 2 E 5 Snippits Final Mission

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Spoilers, much?!

The 25th episode and the final appearance of Snippit.

Mothra and her daughter, Fairy Mothra, decide to go together to the Headquarters on Fairy's request. Things go well until Snippit suddenly arrives. Realizing his mistake, he leaves, but he takes Fairy along with him. The team manages to pinpoint his location: an underground tunnel. Sending in Z-Squared, Godzilla, and a very distressed Mothra down, they confront the being. The Great Evil's orb, however, is in the same area. After feeding Snippit power, it leaves. A fight occurs where Snippit proves to be even stronger now. He beats them to a pulp and is about to eat Fairy, but Z-Squared has a sudden surge of unnatural power and he stops that. Godzilla then blasts Snippit and (after Snippit utters "THE GREAT EVIL COMES!") obliterates the monster. Fairy and Mothra reunite and they're brought back home.

There are some questions that need answering, though...
