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Recap / The Review Team S 2 E 1 Curtains For Them

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Still a better premiere than last time.

The Season 2 premiere and the 21st episode.

Sir, deciding to go to a mysterious play, invites his brother and all 3 leaders of the teams to come along. However, the play is beyond horrendous, involving terrible singing, a grotesque creature, and clones of Crazy Frog. However, Snippit teleports in and slaughters the performers. The theater is destroyed in the process and the group fights the creature afterwards. They wound him considerably, but he escapes.

  • And There Was Much Rejoicing: Everyone, even Sir, is thankful when the play is almost over.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Godzilla charges through Snippit's searing blasts to grab and subdue him.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: The whole group in fancy wear.
  • Captive Audience: Taken to an extreme here. Everyone is glued to the seats until the theater is flooded.
  • Clothing Damage / Action Dress Rip: Snippit catches a hold of Marceline's fancy outfit. She gleefully assists in tearing it off for battle, leaving him confused.
  • Conspicuous Trenchcoat: In a way, the outfits, especially for Megatron.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The 'BLOOSH!' part of the play might remind you of ejaculation. There. We said it.
  • For Want Of A Nail: Sir just wanted to go to a nice play. Too bad he was given minimal information and was just plain oblivious...
  • Gorn: Snippit puts his weapons to good use against the performers, slicing and dicing them to pieces all the way. This happens to him as well, though.
  • Gratuitous Ninja: They end up showing up at random in the play to confound our audience further.
  • Impaled Palm: Snippit suffers this for both palms, courtesy of Z-Squared and Megatron.
  • Irony: Snippit tears apart the performers. He himself is in pieces near the end.
  • Lame Pun Reaction: Z-Squared to Sir after the latter tells everyone to 'spread their legs' before fighting Snippit. This happens after they spent way too long sitting.
  • Man-Made House Flood: When Snippit tears a hole in the udder of the Seacow, the fluid inside floods everyone out of the theater.
  • Parasol of Prettiness: Not that Marceline had a choice, but she's given this in addition to her outfit. It does kind of fit the trope as she is quite beautiful.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: Done several times, usually in times of embarrassment/great rage.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Sir, who has been keeping it together, finally declares everyone to open fire when the Crazy Frogs appear.
  • Sadistic Choice: Either endure the play or destroy all but be trapped forever.
  • Schmuck Bait: Invoked by Z-Squared.
  • Sensory Abuse: Any singing from the play.
  • Ship Tease: Once again, Z-Squared and Marceline engage in this. It's rather adorable.
  • Take That!: To Crazy Frog. Also, to Nickelodeon at one point.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: The general opinion before the play.
  • Tranquil Fury: Marceline goes into this after the 'BLOOSH' incident.
  • True Blue Femininity: Marceline is given a Princess Peach-like outfit that fits this. She's all too happy to get it off and reveal her more traditional outfit.
  • Unsound Effect: Done several times.
  • Villainous Rescue: Snippit unwittingly spares the team of anymore of the play.
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: "Big G, I think you just jinxed the whole thing.'-Marceline.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Z-Squared snaps everyone out of this trope after Snippit copies their powers.
