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Recap / The Powerpuff Girls (S3E8): "Candy is Dandy"/"Catastrophe"

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Original air date: 11/10/2000

Production code: PPG-308

Candy Is Dandy: The Mayor begins to reward the girls with candy, but the girls quickly grow addicted to it and even make a deal with Mojo Jojo to commit more crimes.

Catastrophe: The girls fight a giant blob monster who proves impervious to all their attacks.

Candy is Dandy provides examples of:

  • An Aesop:
    • Don't get addicted to sweets; they're not healthy for you.
    • Addiction to anything can bring out the worst in people.
  • Balloon Belly: All three girls plus the mayor after finishing the entire jar of candy.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Mojo steals the Mayor's candy just because he finds it more enjoyable to take away what made the girls so happy than being allowed to destroy Townsville, and so he can rub it in their faces. He completely forgets that the girls beat him up regularly, and stealing the candy just earns him an even worse beating than usual.
  • Deal with the Devil: Downplayed in that Mojo Jojo, and not HIM, was involved in the deal, and no souls were taken as payment.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Mojo breaks his deal with the girls and steals the candy, since he simply wanted to take away what made them happy and rubbed it in their faces while happily being called a bad monkey. He's forgotten one thing: The girls have always beaten the living tar out of him. They just did it a lot harder because of the stunt he pulled.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The girls candy addiction is played much like a drug addiction, with the girls even going as far as hiring Mojo Jojo as their "fall guy" to commit some misdeeds to send him to jail so as to be rewarded with said candy.
  • Drill Tank: Mojo is briefly seen using one during one of his crime sprees.
  • Erotic Eating: The sounds the girls make when eating the candy leaves little to the imagination.
  • Extreme Omnivore: The giant monster in the opening scene is in the process of eating Townsville.
  • I Can See My House from Here: Said by the Mayor when the giant monster lifts him out of his office.
  • I Want My Mommy!: Mojo mutters the word “mommy” when he’s laying in pain after the girls beat him up.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Even though the girls shouldn't have yelled at the Mayor, he was quite indifferent when telling them that Mojo stole the candy, treating the situation as if it were a silly mishap in a comedy show.
  • Meat-O-Vision: Bubbles imagines the circles in her drawing as candy, Buttercup sees the trees outside their house as candy, and Blossom, of all things, sees her own reflection in the mirror as a piece of candy.
  • Monster Protection Racket: The girls form one with Mojo Jojo during this episode, with Mojo causing chaos, the girls stop him and get rewarded for it, and then they bust him out of jail so he can do it again. This goes on until Mojo finds out what is going on and steals the candy since he likes tormenting the girls with it more than he likes destroying Townsville on a daily basis.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Blossom get this reaction when they see Mojo cry, and realize how hard they have beaten him up over just some candy.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: This is of course the standard MO of the girls. This episode, on the other hand, is when the girls take it up to eleven. When Mojo breaks their deal and give him such a severe beating, the poor monkey is literally reduced to a broken wreck and even CRIES.
  • Orgasmically Delicious: The girls sound more than a little euphoric when they try candy for the first time.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: "You're a bad monkey, Mojo."
  • Single Tear: A severely battered Mojo shedding a tear prompts Blossom to realize how they've taken their candy obsession too far.
  • Totem Pole Trench: The girls use one to disguise themselves when contacting Mojo Jojo at night in a dark alley.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Oh, dear God. The girls utterly lose it when Mojo taunts them over getting more satisfaction over stealing their candy.

Catastrophe provides examples of:

  • The Beastmaster: In order to find the monsters’ cat, Bubbles uses her powers to call every single cat in Townsville to her.
  • Blob Monster: The villain of the episode.
  • The Easy Way or the Hard Way: When the Blob Monster first attacks, Blossom tries to politely ask him to stop. After getting smacked away, she questions why monsters always want to do this the hard way. Of course, the hard way proves substantially harder on the girls than they expected.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The Blob Monster really loves his cat, and was actually just destroying Townsville as he tried to find his missing pet.
  • Failed a Spot Check: It turns out, the monster's cat was in his butt crack the whole time.
  • Harmless Freezing: Blossom freezes the blob monster with her ice breath, but the monster quickly breaks free and continues his rampage.
  • Hope Spot: Blasting the Blob Monster into multiple pieces seems to do the trick, only for the guy to reform rather easily.
  • How We Got Here: The episode opens with the giant blob monster already attacking the city, but the narrator quickly rewinds back to before the monster attack to show how what led to this moment.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: While the blob monster is yet another threat to Townsville, he has a soft spot for his beloved pet cat.
  • No-Sell: the blob monster shrugs off anything the girls throw at him.
  • Pulling Themselves Together: The blob monster is capable of reforming after being blown to bits.
  • Shout-Out: The way the Blob monster reforms itself after the girls blow him up is very similar to how the T1000 reforms in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
  • Suddenly Speaking: When the girls use their Furious Fiery Feline formation, the blob monster (mistaking the formation for his own cat) suddenly reveals himself to be able to speak.
  • Wham Line: Seeing the Furious Fiery Feline formation prompts the Blob Monster to grab the girls and shout, "KITTY! I've been looking all over for you!"
