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Recap / The Interns S 8 E 5

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Phil is tired of always sleeping in the kitchen, in highly uncomfortable conditions, because Gleb always brings his girls in their room for sex, and insists that today, he would sleep in the room, wether Gleb likes it or not. Gleb reminds him that their treaty works both ways; if Phil ever finds his own girl, Gleb would step aside to allow them some privacy, too. Phil has no girlfriend... but has a patient, Lena, who wants to find any place for sleep outside of her ward, even if for just one night (she wants to avoid another patient, "Tractor", named that due to her heavy snorting). They do not need to actually sleep with each other, only to fool Gleb into believing that they do. The plan works flawlessly, and the two plans to repeat it again. Unfortunately, "Tractor" was discharged from the hospital, so Lena has no reason to go to Phil today, so Phil has to ask Bykov to keep "Tractor" there for a little longer. But Bykov confronts Phil about the plan, and tells him that if he's sincere in trying to help the other people, he should take "Tractor", and save entire ward. When Phil starts looking for excuses, Bykov confirms that he knows about the plan from Lena herself, and it was just Phil's last chance to save some grace. He still presses Phil to take the "Tractor" in, and she turns out to be just as loud as advertised, so Semyon and Gleb runs to the hospital, leaving Phil at home.

Bykov just "lost" Lobanov to Kupitman into Poker, and now Semyon "belongs" to Kupitman for next three days. Kupitman is not in the mood to abuse Semyon, he only needs his help to recover from hangover after latest binge, and clean up the mess. Kisegach busts Lobanov during this and learns about the whole story with illegal gambling in the hospital, and confronts Kupitman about it. Fortunately for him, she's more interested in forcing Bykov into being indebted to her (so she could press him into going to her mother together, wether he likes it or not) than in punishing Kupitman, so he can atone by helping her with making Bykov lose. Kupitman teaches her some tricks, which she later uses against Bykov. Next day, Bykov goes to Kupitman and ruins almost all of his cognac collection, telling him that this was Kisegach's request. Kupitman may only watch helplessly, realising that this was a result of him siding with Kisegach over Bykov. He confronts Kisegach about sending Bykov to destroy his collection... and learns that Bykov has actually won the game, and it was his own initiative, as a punishment for betrayal. Bykov now also knows that Kupitman is a cheater (as Kisegach had used his marked deck), and demands back all the money lost during the period when Kupitman used that deck (which is a lot)... but he would also agree to do one last, deciding match: if Kupitman wins, he keeps the money, and Bykov goes to Marina, otherwise, he takes the money and refuses. Bykov wins, but Kisegach realises that he also cheated. After searching a trashcan, they finds another marked deck, and confronts Bykov. But when they actually arrives to Marina, it's Anastasia who has a second thought and runs, forcing Bykov to run as well.

This episode provides examples of:

  • All for Nothing: Kisegach spends a whole episode trying to force Bykov into going with her to her mother, yet in the end she is the first to back out at the last moment, forcing Bykov to pretend that this was a prank and run with her.
  • Brain Bleach: When Phil tells Bykov about the "Tractor's" heavy snorting, Bykov asks him how he even learned about this, then immediately backs on this, telling that he does not want to know (especially after he learned that she's 53 years-old).
  • Butt-Monkey: Lobanov. His plot starts with Bykov losing him in Poker to Kupitman, who forces him to clean the mess which Kupitman caused while drunk. Then Bykov ruins nearly all Kupitman's alcohol, creating even bigger mess... which Semyon again must clear all by himself (he reacts badly to this). Then Kupitman (in attempt to find an evidences against Bykov) brings two big trash bags into his office and immediately drops its content onto the floor, creating even bigger mess... just in time for Semyon to appear, who may only say one thing to this: "screw you, Kupitman", after which he leaves.
  • Cluster Bleep-Bomb: When Lobanov sees Kupitman's destroyed booze collection, he reacts with torrent of bleeped-out profanities, cause he's the one who would clean it all out.
  • Epic Fail: Kisegach's attempt to cheat Bykov in Poker starts with her dropping her deck during attempt to show some cool tricks; this is also when Bykov recognises the marked deck, since Kupitman previously used it for a whole year (though Bykov recognising it would only be confirmed later).
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Lena's roommate is a woman nicknamed "Tractor" for her heavy snorting; so heavy, in fact, it can be heard outside of the ward.
  • Exact Words: Played With. When Phil asks Gleb wether he would let him sleep in the room if he brings "somebody", Gleb immediately corrects him: not "somebody", but specifically a girl.note  But later Phil exploits Gleb's version to receive this room for a night: condition is to simply bring a girl, they don't need to actually have sex.
  • If You're So Evil, Eat This Kitten!: Inverted. When Phil tries to insist that he only intervened in the whole story with Lena and "Tractor" with good intentions, Bykov asks him to prove it by taking the "Tractor" to his home instead. When Phil refuses, Bykov reveals that he was aware about his weird deal with Lena all along, and this was Phil's last chance to lose with dignity, after which he forces Phil to do so anyway.
  • Lost Him in a Card Game: Bykov lost Semyon to Kupitman in Poker, so now Lobanov "belongs" to him... for next three days. Semyon is unamused by the whole idea of being used as a bet.
  • Not Hyperbole: In the end we can hear "Tractor's" snoring (when Bykov forces Phil into taking her into his home for one night). Proving that nickname id deserved, her snoring can be heard even from the kitchen. In the end, Gleb and Semyon decides to just sleep in on-call room, leaving Phil with the "Tractor".
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: Kisegach must visit her mother and tell her about pregnancy; she plans to take Bykov with her, so she would shout on him rather than on her. Bykov questions wether it would be better to not visit her at all if they clearly can't stand each other.
  • Really Gets Around: When Phil calls Gleb out on forcing him to sleep in the kitchen (which, due to extremely uncomfortable conditions, causes him heavy backache), Gleb reminds him that sometimes, he gets visited by girls; to which Phil replies that by "sometimes", Gleb means "every single night".
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Invoked. After playing in Poker with Kisegach (Kupitman taught her some tricks), Bykov goes to Kupitman and destroys most of his cognac collection by smashing it onto floor, bottle by bottle, and then tells him that this was Kisegach's request after she'd won. Kupitman clearly realises that he became a victim of this trope, and can only say: "I, myself, with my own hands...".
  • Rule of Three: Lobanov has to clean up the (ever-growing) mess in Kupitman's office three times. Firstly, he does that on Kupitman's request, and is fine with it, cause he may go after doing that. Then he sees consequences of Bykov trashing Kupitman's alcohol collection, and can only scream profanities, cause he just cleaned it all up. When he sees Kupitman throwing the literal trash on the floor, he decides that he's fed up with this.
  • Small Role, Big Impact:
  • Spotting the Thread: Bykov wins in his final Poker "duel" with Kupitman... but then Kisegach recognises what was wrong with him: Bykov was too eager to take out the trash (at home, he usually does it very reluctantly). Kupitman immediately confirms that she is right: Bykov cheated and used the trash can to dispose of incriminating evidences (which was briefly showed at the beginning of the play).
  • That Came Out Wrong: One patient asks Phil to place her in a different ward, due to other patient in her ward snoring so loud, she can't sleep anywhere near her. Phil (who remembers conditions under which Gleb would let him sleep in the room) tells he that she can sleep with him. She predictably slaps him. Fortunately, he manages to explain what he really meant after this (lampshading his mistake in process). Later, when Bykov learns about the whole plan, Phil tries to explain to him exactly why Lena visits him; it takes him more than one take to do it right.
    Phil: So, I offered her my room... [beat] to sleep in... [beat] "sleep" in a literal sense.
  • The Un-Smile: Bykov's attempt to do as Kisegach asks and smile for her mother looks extremely creepy and unnatural.
  • Wager Slave: Kisegach plans to invoke this trope on Bykov (with Kupitman's help), in order to force him to go to her mother with her (which Bykov previously adamantly refused).
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Semyon is unamused by the whole idea of being used as a bet in Poker (the bet which Bykov lost to Kupitman). While he's unsurprised to see this from Bykov, he's disappointed that Kupitman (whom he considered to be better than that) did partake in this. Though he quickly calms down when Kupitman tells him to just clean his office, bring him mineral water (to help with hangover), and be free to do whatever he want).
