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Recap / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 S 2 E 8 Secret Origins Part 3

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The Shredder has returned, and he is determined to stop the Utroms.

This episode provides examples of

  • Actually, I Am Him: Throughout the previous episode, the Turtles and Splinter thought that the Shredder they were dealing with in the Utrom's virtual reality program was the current Shredder's ancestor. It's during a conversation between him and Mortu do they learn that it actually was him all those centuries ago.
  • Atrocious Alias: Leo informs April that the TCRI building is about to self-destruct and he asks April to have the area cleaned out, so that nobody gets hurt. April, posing as a news reporter, tries to tell the army general that a terrorist organization is about to blow the building up, but she is unable to come up with a name for said organization. Casey quickly comes to the rescue:
    April: General, my, uh, station manager just received an urgent message from a terrorist organization calling itself...
    Casey: Goongala Cowabunga.
    (April briefly glares at Casey, before continuing)
  • Big Damn Heroes: Shredder is about to finish off Mortu, but then a few Utroms on hovering platforms start blasting him. Their attack gives Mortu enough time to escape.
  • Big "NO!": Ch'rell just before getting caught in the implosion.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Shredder orders Hun to track down Stockman, saying he's still of some use.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Once free of Shredder's control, Stockman gives him quite a shock.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: "What A Croc" would reveal that's Leatherhead walking through the smoke past the soldiers.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: In addition to fighting the Foot, the Turtles need to stop Stockman from powering up the Transmat and sending Mortu and the others to their doom. Running out of time, Raph snarks they could try asking Shredder since Stockman obeys his every word, which leads Donnie to realize that Stockman's been programmed to obey Shredder's voice. He immediately gets Honeycutt to imitate Shredder's voice and order Stockman to stop.
  • Evil Counterpart: Lampshaded by Honeycutt, as Baxter Stockman is essentially this to the Fugitoid. Both are scientists, who are being forced to work for evil organizations and both are using robotic bodies.
    Honeycutt: Oh dear, and I thought I was stuck with an unpleasant robot body!
  • Foreshadowing: Shredder effortlessly uses the Utrom control panel to move about the facility, something even Donnie is later proven to be incapable of doing. He also possesses what Mortu describes as an Utrom implosion device.
    • As mentioned above the shadow of a crocodile(later revealed to be Leatherhead, a friend of the Utroms) is seen in the smoke once the soldiers assault the building.
  • It's Personal: After the Turtles and Splinter help the Utroms escape:
    Shredder: You! You have been little more than thorns in my side, but now, you have robbed me of my triumph! And for that, you shall pay with your lives!
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: The Shredder's true identity.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
    Leonardo: So, what's with the get-up? You a news reporter?
    April: Ha! In another lifetime maybe.
  • Manly Tears: Splinter after Mortu gives him the orb and tells him of Hamato Yoshi being a guardian of the Utroms.
  • Mythology Gag: One of the Utroms is called 'Krang', and April pretends to be a television reporter for Channel 6 news, complete with a familiar-looking yellow jumpsuit.
  • Not Quite Dead: Leonardo wonders if the Shredder was killed by Stockman's attack, though no one else seems to consider this. Later, the Turtles and Splinter wonder if hacking away at the Shredder's armor and electrocuting him has finally done him in, but then the armor opens up.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • The Turtles and Splinter's reactions to the truth about the Shredder.
    • Ch'rell after just missing escaping before the implosion occurs.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: When Hun offers to finish the Turtles for him, the Shredder refuses for this reason.
  • Put on a Bus: The Utroms offer Honeycutt sanctuary on their homeworld, so he leaves with them.
  • The Reveal:
    • Hamato Yoshi was the best of the Utroms' guardians. He died refusing to give them up to the Shredder.
    • "The Shredder's an Utrom?!"
  • Revenge Before Reason: Averted. After Mortu and the others retreat to secure the Transmat, the Shredder refuses to miss out on far bigger prizes by wasting time fighting the Turtles and Splinter.
  • Shout-Out: Mikey again references the Alien franchise in this episode.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: As the Shredder is poised to claim the Transmat.
    Shredder: I do not intend to destroy it, Mortu; I will use it to send you to your doom! Perhaps I'll place you in the extreme heat of a supernova or the cold, endless vacuum of space. And you're just the beginning. After I dispose of you, I will use this device to conquer the home world of the Utroms, and I'll destroy every last one of your kind, Mortu!
    Raphael: Not if we got anything to say about it! Remember us?
  • Taking You with Me: After being robbed of his revenge, Shredder would rather die in the building's implosion with the Turtles and Splinter than let them escape.
  • Tempting Fate: When the Shredder is revealed to be an Utrom, Raphael says, "He ain't so tough now! Let's just squish him!" Shredder latches onto his face in response.
  • Time Bomb: The Shredder's implosion device, which the Turtles are unable to defuse.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Raphael learns the hard way that Ch'rell is still a handful even without his exo-skeleton.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: After getting some payback against the Shredder, Stockman immediately departs.
  • Voice Changeling: Thanks to his robot body, Honeycutt is able to perfectly mimic Shredder's voice and give Stockman conflicting orders
  • We Will Meet Again: One of the Utrom's guardians says this to the Turtles before departing.
  • Wham Episode/ The Reveal: The Shredder's true identity as an Utrom is finally revealed.
  • Wham Line: "Mortu, I have anticipated this moment for nearly ten centuries."
  • Wham Shot: Shredder's armor opening up, revealing that he is not only part of the Utrom race, but the same criminal fugitive from Mortu's ship.


Video Example(s):


Shedder's True Identity

In the midst of an intense battle with the Shredder, the turtles discover that he's actual the evil Utrom, Ch'rell, who caused the Utroms to crash on Earth millenia ago.

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