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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S1E44 Lions and Blizzards

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The Rangers and their friends win the grand prize at the annual Oddball Games: the Noble Lion Trophy. Rita and Goldar plot to transform the trophy into a ferocious monster.


  • Battle in the Rain: Or rather, Megazord battle in a snowstorm. Right before the battle, Goatan did make it rain, too!
  • Blatant Lies: Zack saying he gave up on Angela just as she's walking toward him in a sexy red dress. Jason doesn't buy it for a moment.
  • Brick Joke: Zack offers Angela to defect to the "winning side" a.e. the red team. She refuses him and her team loses the games. When finally agreeing to go on a date with Zack, guess what color of the dress she's wearing?
  • Covered in Mud: The front runners of the blue team, namely Bulk, Skull, and Angela, plus Mr. Caplan, after losing the Tug of War. Bizarrely, despite the mud being washed off after being scared by Goatan into the lake, they arrive at the Juice Bar still covered in it.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Thuy Trang reportedly really liked the shiny yellow raincoat and rainhat given to her to wear during the scene of entering the juice bar, calling them "cute". She wanted to keep it on during the entire scene and wear it to the command center up until morphing but she was told she had to take it off immediately at the same time as David Yost. She was none too happy about this. If you look closely, you can see Thuy looking annoyed while taking off her raincoat.
  • Humble Hero: The red and black rangers say it best:
    "We don't need a trophy to know that we're winners!"
  • An Ice Person: Goatan can change the weather to make full-on blizzards in the middle of the Golden State.
  • I Know Madden Kombat: Goatan's weapon (when giant)? A hockey stick.
  • Lady in Red: Angela in the episode's second half; see Brick Joke for more.
  • Love Hurts: Not too tragic a case, but Rita had some bad timing there for Zack.
  • Multiple Head Case: Averted; Goatan has two heads, but they cooperate rather well.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Zack ditching Angela to go save the day was the right call, but Angela is still pissed and walks out after dumping popcorn all over him.
  • No Ontological Inertia: Averted; Zordon implicitly tells the team that the Noble Lion Trophy was lost when Goatan was killed. The rangers aren't too distraught though.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Variation with the Oddball Games. The red team that the Rangers are on wins the trophy, but Bulk and Skull steal it out of spite and it's later transformed into a monster that they have to destroy. Despite this, Jason and the others aren't too bitter about it. Zack's kind of bummed that his date was ruined, though.
  • Raincoat of Horror: Right when the monster attack begins, Billy and Trini arrive in raincoats.
  • Ship Tease: Finally after shooting him down since "Foul Play in the Sky", Angela begins to return Zack's advances and goes on a date with him. It's spoiled unfortunately when Zack has to bail to fight Goatan. By the time he gets back, Angela is so miffed that she dumps the popcorn all over him and storms off.
  • Stout Strength: Goatan can wield a log like a club, disarming the Rangers easily.
  • Sore Loser: Bulk and Skull, they stole the trophy from the Rangers.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Zack just before he morphs to fight Goatan.
  • Walking Armory: Goatan uses in his battle against the rangers: a bow, a stone pillar, and a hockey stick.
