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Recap / King Of The Hill S 9 E 8 Mutual Of Omabwah

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Hank and Bobby must protect themselves from any accidents until their insurance can be re-activated in 36 hours. Meanwhile, Dale decides to raise bees, Bill and Boomhauer discover the joys of deep-frying, and Peggy and Luanne get stuck at a rest stop when Hank asks them not to drive uninsured.


  • An Aesop: Don't go overboard with safety. While lack of safety insurance is a vital issue, you shouldn't obsess over what could harm you because you might turn into a hypochondriac.
  • Deep-Fried Whatever: Bill and Boomhauer's discover deep fried bananas at the fair, which gives them the idea to see what else could possibly be deep fried. This includes things like a deep fried chocolate bar and re-deep fried chicken. And of course, they try to deep fry a turkey, which inevitably ends up causing a grease fire.
    Bill: If everybody fried their food, there would be no war.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Rather odd that the day the Hills find out their insurance lapsed the alleyway proceeds to descend into absolute chaos and anarchy, with a horde of angry bees and a grease fire that is getting out of hand. Even Hank is in initial disbelief when he tries to calm Bobby down by having them both head outside.
  • Four Lines, All Waiting: The A-Plot of the episode consists of Hank going a bit overboard to make sure nothing gets damaged while they don't have insurance. The B-Plot involves Dale becoming a Snake Oil Salesman by trying to peddle bee venom as a miracle cure. The C-Plot involves Bill and Boomhauer testing out what foods they can potentially deep fry. The D-Plot involves Peggy and Luanne trying to survive in the park while they wait for their insurance to kick back in so they can drive back home. The first three all eventually converge at the episodes climax, while the fourth at least hints at what's about to happen to Peggy and Luanne.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: When Hank tries to calm Bobby down by saying there's nothing outside they can't handle, he is immediately met by Dale being chased by a horde of angry bees and a grease fire that's spreading to others lawns. Ultimately subverted, when Hank actually does help manage to get things under control by taking charge of the situation.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When Hank finally sees himself in the mirror wearing a ridiculous safety gear setup, and Bobby having a panic attack on the floor, does Hank finally realize he's badly overacted to not having insurance and helps calm Bobby down by saying not having insurance isn't the end of the world.
  • Nervous Wreck: Hank, and by extension Bobby, due to not having any insurance for the next 36 hours. Hank ends up going full safety inspector due to trying to make sure nothing gets broken. It isn't until he sees Bobby having a panic attack and not helping Dale (who is screaming to be let in due to being chased by bees) and sees his own reflection in the mirror of what he's wearing, does he finally realize how badly he overacted and how bad it's hurting his son.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
    • Hank. He both neglects to renew his insurance payment, which caused it to be canceled and basically traumatizes Bobby by telling him of the natural disasters that could happen with a lack of insurance.
    • A relatively-rare positive, and literal, example: if Bobby hadn't accidentally broke the garage door, it's entirely possible the Hills would've had no idea their insurance lapsed unless something much worse happened.
  • Percussive Maintenance: The D-Plot of the episode has Peggy and Luanne waiting in a park until their insurance kicks back in. Since the only food they have is the vending machine and they're out of money, they manage to get food from it by constantly ramming it to knock the snacks loose. In the ending of the episode, it's implied they completely wrecked the vending machine and are about to be arrested by the police for it.
  • Shout-Out: Bobby and Joseph pretend to be Star Wars characters at the start of the episode, with Bobby acting like Yoda and Joseph being Luke Skywalker.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: The two women who Dale meets at the farmer's market cause Dale to get the idea that bees could cure illness, which causes a chain of events in the third act.


Fried chicken re-fried

Fried fried chicken, anybody?

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