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Recap / King Of The Hill S 9 E 13 Gone With The Windstorm

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Channel 84 hires a new meteorologist, Irv Bennett, leaving Nancy Gribble out in the cold — and into the fire when she, Dale, and Peggy steal a news van to report on a forest fire. Meanwhile, Hank helps Bobby fight back against a bully who likes to pop out and scare people.


  • Bittersweet Ending: Nancy does not get her old position back but does get a promotion as a co-news anchor, to which she is happy about.
  • Brainless Beauty: Irv gets Nancy's position generally for being more competent in meteorology. He also stumps News Anchor Miguel Hernandez with a joke about rhinoplasty, even after explaining it to him, because he mistook it for a joke on rhinoceros. Nancy at the end gets a promotion to co-anchor with Miguel.
  • The Bully: Jimmy Bearden.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Nancy demands Channel 84 buy new meteorological equipment, and they do so... but she doesn't count on them also hiring another meteorology expert to set the equipment up and quickly proving himself a much better newscaster than her, and thus didn't realize she essentially just got herself fired from her own job.
  • Flipping the Bird: An offscreen example as when Nancy gets the weather wrong (again), an angry woman asks her if she can predict what her finger is going to do to her. Nancy's reaction says it all.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: While caught in the forest fire, Dale cradles Nancy so that they can die together. He then tells Peggy to go die somewhere else.
    • Nancy is this to the whole news team. See Kick the Dog below for more details.
  • Grew a Spine: Jimmy's dad is at first just as afraid of Jimmy as Bobby is, but the ending shows him deciding that enough is enough.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Nancy insisting Channel 84 buy new meteorology equipment forces them to hire Irv to set it up, and as he proves much more charismatic than Nancy, she effectively screwed herself out of a job.
  • Jump Scare: Jimmy Bearden's go-to bully tactic.
  • Kick the Dog: The newsteam really throw Nancy around in this episode; they demote her to a dead-end position, they use Nancy's predicament of being trapped in the forest fire for ratings, thus publicly humiliating her and do the same when she bawls her eyes out. To add insult to injury, they put Nancy (along with Dale and Peggy) in a heli-saddle for horses just as the forest fire is put out.
  • Pushover Parents: Jimmy's dad is also scared of him jumping out and scaring the heck out of him.
  • Skewed Priorities: Peggy is hell-bent on helping Nancy get her job back no matter how dangerous and unworthy the situation is. Nancy soon decides that she doesn't care anymore about her job when her life is at stake. Peggy being humiliated by being put in a heli-saddle and being carried out of the forest can be interpreted as Laser-Guided Karma.
  • Special Guest: Brendan Fraser (in his second appearance) as Irv Bennett.
  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Hank and Bobby end Jimmy's insanity towards Bobby by jumping out and scaring him in turn, although he's still shown doing it to his father the second they leave the room.
  • Too Dumb to Live: When trying to cover the forest fire by going straight into it, Nancy, Peggy and Dale predictably get caught in it.
