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Recap / Justice League Action S 1 E 43 Itll Take A Miracle

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Darkseid forces Batman to bring Mister Miracle back to Apokolips so that Big Barda will be released, in order for Mister Miracle to give up the last part of the Anti-Life equation that he stole from Darkseid when he escaped Apokolips.


  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: After Mister Miracle hugs Darkseid, his Mother Box on his belt is clearly not visible when it was there before, foreshadowing that Mister Miracle snatched it from him.
  • Large Ham: This show's version of Mister Miracle is much more bombastic than previous incarnations of the character.
  • No-Sell: Mister Miracle knocks Granny Goodness into one of the lava flows of Apokolips, from which she walks out unharmed a few seconds later.
  • Oh, Crap!: Darkseid's expression when he sees that Mister Miracle stole his Mother Box, right before Mister Miracle creates a boom tube right under his feet.
  • Say My Name: At the end of the episode, Darkseid screams Mister Miracle's name (Scott) when he realises that the piece of the Anti-Life Equation he had was a fake when it destroys his Life-Void Machine.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: When one of Darkseid's minions is about to stab Mister Miracle, Big Barda angrily knocks him away after saying "That's my boyfriend!"
