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Recap / If Wishes Were Ponies Chapter 22 Surprise Surprise

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A few evil people finally get their just desserts, the Equestrians learn a lesson about human customs, and Hogwarts gets an interesting request.

Tropes that finally got what they deserved are as follows:

  • Alien Arts Are Appreciated: The Equestrians spend several days watching movies, exploring the shops of Little Whinging, and trying some human foods.
  • Blatant Lies:
    • No, Professor McGonnagal did not Squee like a little girl when she saw Harry Potter's answering letter.
    • The people of Little Whinging, as soon as the truth of what the Dursleys had done to Harry gets out, immediately start saying they always knew that something was amiss.
      The gossips devoted themselves to telling everyone they just knew something had been wrong with the Durselys. Some even claimed that this past year they had suspected foul play regarding that poor Harry Potter boy. And all conveniently forgot the years they had spent vilifying the child as a layabout, thieving, little hoodlum.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Vernon never prepared for what to do if anyone actually checked to see if Harry had been sent to reform school.
  • Fantastic Diet Requirement: Inverted; the Equestrians try to eat daisy sandwiches for lunch (something they would normally eat at home) only to be disgusted when they realize that plants aren't as tasty to humans. And, while many of them are still hesitant to eat meat, they all agree that bacon tastes amazing.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Mr. and Mrs. Dursley are arrested for criminal child abuse while their son is taken away by child services. They are taken by the police in front of all their neighbors while their abuse of Harry is outed (ruining their reputation and instantly destroying all the lies they told about Harry), their son (the only person they loved besides each other) is taken away from them, they'll both likely spend the next few years in prison, and they never got to eat their dinner.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Played for Laughs. Harry is the one to suggest that they go clothes shopping so the Equestrians don't walk around nude in the house anymore... and learns the hard way why many men do not enjoy clothes shopping with women.
  • No Nudity Taboo: Harry has to remind the Equestrians (again) that humans wear clothes even when in their houses.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Unlike most adults in Little Whinging, the Equestrians can quickly tell the difference between playing and bullying. Which is why the Royal Scout (disguised as a human woman) doesn't believe Dudley when he says that he was only saying hello to the CMC, and she scares him and his mooks off.
  • Refused Reunion: When Dudley sees Harry again after a year, Harry makes it very clear that he doesn't want to see Vernon and Petunia as much as they don't want to see him.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: Harry says this trope word for word when Dudley said his parents thought/hoped he was dead.
  • Thousand-Yard Stare: Lin Yueshi, after visiting another world and meeting it's all-powerful leaders, has one of these due to the earth-shattering revelations he's just had.
  • Trauma Button: Harry freezes up when he sees a cupboard under the stairs in the Equestrians' temporary house. He knows it isn't the same cupboard and that he won't have to sleep in there, but he still starts shaking.
  • Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Professor McGonnagal is confused when she sees Apple Bloom's, Sweetie Belle's, and Scootaloo's names, saying that they are unusual even by Muggle standards. Of course, she doesn't know that in Equestria, those names are perfectly normal.
