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Recap / If Wishes Were Ponies Chapter 21 An Unexpected Visitor

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Lin Yueshi visits Equestria, giving the ponies a surprising revelation about portal transformations.

Tropes that ran naked through the portal include:

  • Absurd Phobia: Harry is still a little scared of Princess Celestia, despite having been reassured by everyone that she sees him as one of her little ponies and that he's fully under her protection.
  • Child Abuse Is a Special Kind of Evil: Twilight tells Lin that the Equestrians learned about Earth when Harry fell into the portal. Lin asks how a child could disappear from Little Whinging without anyone saying anything, leading to the two telling him that the Dursleys physically and emotionally abused Harry. Lin looks like he wants to go do something unpleasant to Mr. Dursley, and is fully on board with Twilight's suggestion that he look into ways to remove Harry from the Dursley's custody and have her be recognized in England as Harry's guardian.
  • Didn't See That Coming: If a human possesses no magical ability at all, they remain human when going through the portal. Because everyone they've ever known has magic to some degree, the ponies are shocked when he doesn't change. Likewise, Lin Yueshi is shocked that, yes, his newest clients are magical ponies from an alien world, and their rulers are powerful enough to move the sun and moon at will.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: While trying to describe Equestria's landscape to Yueshi after he comes through the portal (trying to keep him calm), Harry states that the colors and lack of fine details almost make the place look like "what you see in cartoons on the telly".
  • The Reveal: Normal humans don't change when they go through the portal.
  • Token Human: Lin Yueshi is one hundred percent a Muggle, meaning that the portal doesn't turn him into a pony when he comes to Equestria.
  • Tranquil Fury: Mr. Yueshi is surprisingly calm when Harry tells him the truth about how the Dursleys treated him, and looks towards their house as though planning to visit later...
