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Recap / I Carly S 04 Ep 08 I Pity The Nevel

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iPity the Nevel is the 8th episode in the 4th season of iCarly.

A video of Nevel insulting a little girl goes viral, and the iCarlys are proud that he's become the most hated kid in America. But when Nevel shows up at the Shay's apartment and begs them to help him apologize, they must go out of their way to attain to their biggest rival.

Meanwhile, Freddie becomes popular amongst the girls when he stars in a vampire short film for the webshow.


  • Actually Pretty Funny: Freddie's puns are usually subpar, but this one even has Sam and Carly laughing:
    Gibby: So, what kind of food do you have at a 'Revenge Party'?
    Freddie (grinning): Just desserts.
  • And There Was Much Rejoicing: To celebrate Nevel not being a threat to their website anymore, the iCarly gang throws a "Revenge Party" celebrating the end of with their friends and fans. It includes serving foods like the "Chicken Karma-sean", "Karma Corn" and "Karma Apples", throwing darts at a picture of Nevel's face (as well as hitting a Nevel-dummy with a bat), and decorating the apartment with defaced pictures of Nevel. They even give a toast to Nevel's misery.
  • Heel–Face Turn: It looks like, at the end, Nevel has made peace with the iCarly gang and turned over a new leaf...and then we see him yelling at a man in a wheelchair...Maybe he hadn't changed as much as he thought.
  • Heel Realization: Neville realizes that he's not a good person when he watches the video of himself hurting a young girl's feelings, and learns that he's now the most hated person in Seattle.
  • Out of Focus: Spencer in this episode is stuck with nothing to do and keeps asking to be included in the iCarly crew's plans.
  • Running Gag: Freddie talking in the deep vampire voice from the short film to impress the girls he flirts with.
  • Save the Villain: After all he's done to the iCarly gang throughout the series, the gang agrees that the negative publicity he's gotten after a viral video shows his true colors is a little too harsh, and agree to help him repair his image.
  • Vampires Are Attractive: An age-appropriate version. After Freddie plays a vampire in a Twilight parody for iCarly, all of the girls at school suddenly find him attractive...but only when he's pretending to be a vampire. Considering all of the female attention it gets him, he keeps it up for most of the episode...until Gibby wins over the same ladies by pretending he's a werewolf.
