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Recap / Gargantia On The Verdurous Planet Ep 12 Moment Of Decision

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Ledo reconsiders his position about leaving the Gargantia when he realizes the monstrosity of Kugel's fleet. Meanwhile, Lukkage helps Pinion start a rebellion to fight the fleet and stop them from attacking the Gargantia.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Broken Pedestal: Kugel becomes one for Ledo once the latter realizes his true intentions.
  • Dead All Along: At the end of the episode, Ledo realizes that Kugel died while in Striker six months ago.
  • Defector from Decadence: Pinion and his crew, along with Flange and Melty, decide to bail out of Kugel's fleet when they have the chance.
  • Electronic Speech Impediment: When Ledo discovers that Kugel is Dead All Along before the recording short-circuits:
    Kugel: Are you... willing to follow... my command... again?
  • Everyone Has Standards: Flange and Melty are appalled by what Kugel's fleet has done.
    Flange: "I'm starting to wonder why we ever left Gargantia in the first place."
  • The Mutiny: Lukkage, along with Ledo and his allies, stage a mutiny on Kugel's fleet in the second half of the episode.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Ledo and Flange reconsider why they left the Gargantia.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Pinion and Ledo after witnessing Kugel's fleet throw the sick and weak into the water.
    • Ledo when he sees what has become of Kugel.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Lukkage, along with Ledo, Pinion, Melty, and Flange ditch Kugel's fleet after realizing what they're really like.
  • Spanner in the Works: Ledo helps everyone fight against Kugel and his allies, especially when he sends Melty back to Gargantia to warn them.
  • Wham Line: Pinion learns about where Kugel's fleet is going to attack from Lukkage, who says, "Can you guess where this insane fleet is going to go next? Gargantia."
