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Recap / Disenchantment S 5 E 10 Goodbye Bean

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In the series finale, Bean faces down Dagmar for the last time.


  • Abdicate the Throne: When everything's over, Bean, Zog and Derek all chose to give up the crown, passing it over to Rulo, who then passes it to Mop Girl.
  • Annoying Laugh: Laughing Horse and Laughing Mare have now had a laughing foal, much to Malfus's dread.
  • Back for the Finale:
    • Tess, who hasn't been seen since the end of Part 1, returns at Grogda and Pops's wedding.
    • Miss Moonpence returns after last being seen in Part 3.
  • Back from the Dead:
    • Luci and Jerry revive God using a backup lightbulb they find on his throne.
    • Luci uses his one wish from God to have Mora revived solely to make Bean happy.
  • Bait-and-Switch: When King Rulo announces he too will abdicate the throne and begins to describe the person he believes is perfect to be his successor, everything indicate he is talking about Elfo before he reveals he was talking about Mop Girl instead.
  • Beam-O-War: Between Bean and Dagmar firing their lightning at each other.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Oona shows up in the fight between Bean and Dagmar to slice the top of Dagmar's head off.
  • Bookends:
    • The first episode had Bean running away from her wedding. The finale has her doing the same, this time with her partner accompanying her.
    • The first episode saw Elfo making out with Kissy and catching Weirdo peeping in on them. The final episode has him making out with Mop Girl and neither of them noticing Weirdo watching from the window.
  • Brick Joke:
    • Quite literally; On revival, God drops Jerry's brick down into the world. Some time later, Harold the questioning guy once again shows up to complain, and the brick hits him on the head.
    • Elfo still hates people poking him, and Mop Girl's no exception.
    • The walruses peaking on Bean and Mora doing it. This time, Bean kills them with her lightning.
  • Couch Gag: Instead of the series's usual showing images of what will happen in the episode, this episode's credits instead shows things that don't happen, such as Hansel and Gretel in Hell having to watch "Squalid Squirrel", and Sagatha the Fairy summoning a giant pitcher of beer.
  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: Trapped in a gibbet with Dagmar, Freckles gleefully scat-sings the Disenchantment theme as annoyingly as possible.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Scruffles, who in just the last episode was alive and well, suddenly turns up in Heaven in this episode.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Bean manages to overcome Dagmar and get Mora back, before retiring to a beach island to get her own happy ever after. Elfo gets a steady romance with someone who loves him, and various other minor characters get their own happy ending.
  • Elopement: As discussed in the first episode of Season 5, Bean and Mora ditch the wedding and elope, ending up happily living together on a tropical island. Elfo tries to catch them before they leave, but all he finds are Bean's boots and footprints/tail tracks leading to the ocean.
  • Entitled Bastard: Dagmar walks in to the Trog kingdom and expects them to do whatever she demands of them. Even at the end, she's still demanding someone come rescue her. Satan complies... very technically.
  • Exact Words: Satan rescues Dagmar, but only after she demands wherever she end up not have Bean, or Elfo or even him. Satan provides exactly what she asks for: a cage dangling off a cliff with Freckles for company.
    Dagmar: I don't want to be bothered by any humans, demons, angels, or animals.
    Satan: (Deadpan) For how long?
    Dagmar: Forever!
  • Extra-Long Episode: at 44 minutes this episode is almost twice the size of a regular episode. Fitting as it is the series finale.
  • The Fellowship Has Ended: For the core trio of Bean, Luci and Elfo, this episode marks the end of the line with Bean eloping with Mora, Luci being dead for good and Elfo becoming the new king of Dreamland.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Dagmar's final fate, stuck with Complete Immortality in a gibbet, with only Freckles for company. Forever.
  • Given Name Reveal: Luci's full name as seen in Satan's Book of the Dead is revealed to be Lucille Lucifer Jr. DCLXVI, Son of Satan.
  • Grand Finale: The final episode of the season and the series as a whole, and accordingly a double-length episode.
  • Happily Married: Bean and Mora elope, while Odval and Sorcerio use the wedding to get hitched.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Bean defeats Dagmar by dropping a crystal stalagtite on her. It doesn't kill her, since she's immortal at that point, but leaves her trapped there until Satan comes by to send her somewhere even worse.
  • Karma Houdini: Despite being a Jerkass and a dutiful lackey to Dagmar, Scruffles ends up in Heaven because God likes cats.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: The Trogs turn on Alva and dump him in his rocket with no ability to escape, stuck with a very angry Arch-Druidess. When the rocket crash lands on the Moon, Alva tries to escape by donning a helmet so that he can survive while the Arch-Druidess suffocates, but she simply pulls out a hammer and smashes it so they'll die together.
    Alva: I have an allergy to poetic justice!
  • Mushroom Samba: Bean, Elfo and Dagmar all get high when their fight takes them to the part of the caves where the giant mushrooms grow, and they breathe in the spores.
  • Offered the Crown: Mop Girl is chosen to be queen of Dreamland despite not being of royal blood.
  • Off with His Head!: Oona cuts off the top of Dagmar's head, but Dagmar simply removes her brain in emulation of the Trogs to attain Complete Immortality.
  • Plot-Irrelevant Villain: Alva and his plan have nothing to do with Dagmar, and he's considered so inconsequential Bean doesn't think about him even after her mom is thwarted.
  • The Reveal:
    • The Sacred Goo is made from liquified Trog brains. This also has the side-benefit of making them immune to Dagmar invading their dreams.
    • Miss Moonpence is a talking pig, much like Merkimer.
    • Pop's full name is Returno, the elf Rulo mentioned way back in the series premier.
  • Runaway Bride: Bean and Mora both run away from their own wedding to elope.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: The Jester flees Dreamland at the beginning of the episode, having finally realized whenever he says his catchphrase something bad happens.
  • The Stinger: After the credits, Elfo has Terbish and Mertz raise the Dreamland drawbridge, which causes the entire kingdom to vanish like Elfwood used to.
  • Taking You with Me: Dagmar tries doing this to Elfo, grabbing his hand when she's impaled under a crystal, but he manages to wriggle free.
  • Title Drop: Elfo's last words to Bean as she has left Dreamland to live with Mora.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Malfus is visited by the Laughing Horse family, and asks with dread whether they're going to leave soon.
  • What You Are in the Dark: Faced with a room full of God's spare lightbulbs, Luci considers smashing them all so he can take God's place, but when it comes to it simply picks a lightbulb to restore God. When He comes to, He inquires as to what happens and Luci tries to downplay things. Turns out God knew what had happened and was testing them, and as a reward offers Luci a wish for whatever he wants. After a moment, Luci decides to do something for Bean.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: With Dagmar's defeat, and Bean and Mora running from their wedding, the remainder of the episode shows what every else gets up to.
    • Alva's rocket does reach the moon, where the Trogs start jumping about. His attempts to ward off the Arch-Druidess fail as she smashes his helmet with a hammer.
    • Zog, Ursula, and Jasper are living happily in the woods, Jasper having now reached adult size.
    • Oona and Derek return to piracy, with Oona finally killing her nemesis, "Captain Clown", as well as the Jester.
    • Elfo and Mop Girl rule Dreamland and are happy together.
    • Merkimer declares his love for Miss Moonpence, who reveals she's a pig like him.
    • Bunty and her family take up residence in Bean's bedroom, with Bunty reading "1001 Ways to Kill Aristocrats" to her children as a bedtime story.
    • Malfus, still alone in his cave, is visited by the laughing horses.
    • P.T. McGee is eaten by a forest siren, and it's implied the same fate is going to befall his son P.D.
    • Gunderson Steamworks is taken over by the lightbulb robots, who are playing poker with Chazzzzz.
    • Pops and Grogda get married, and Tess the Giantess hits it off with Junior.
    • Satan returns to Hell, where he crosses off Luci, Bean and Mora's names from the Book of the Dead.
    • God, wanting a happily ever after of his own, decides to summon cats to Heaven.
    • And Bean and Mora are living happily on a small island of their own.
  • Who Even Needs a Brain?: Most of the Trogs removed their brains a long time ago to achieve immortality, with Dagmar eating the others' brains, and Dagmar does the same after the top of her head is cut off. None of them are impacted by this in the least and keep functioning as normal.
  • Why Waste a Wedding?: After Bean and Mora elope, Odval and Sorcerio get married in their stead.
