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Recap / Daria S 1 E 04

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After a computer is stolen from Lawndale High's cyber cafe, it is re-positioned as a traditional coffee-house. Daria, threatened by her parents with Music Camp if she doesn't find some extracurricular activities, agrees to take part in the fundraising efforts, but they don't go well. Instead, she winds up getting roped in to performing on the coffee-house's opening night by reading a rather surprising short story.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Artistic License – Medicine: Mrs. Johannsen collapses because of hypoglycemia, and when she wakes up, Daria refuses to give her chocolate, arguing it could kill her. Actually, hypoglycemia means that she has low blood sugar (as opposed to hyperglycemia), so if anything, the chocolate might have been a good ad hoc treatment. That said, Mrs. Johannsen did mention to Daria and Jane her doctor explicitly said she wasn't supposed to eat chocolate just before she collapsed, making it more understandable why the girls wouldn't give her any.
  • Brick Joke: The coffee house is vandalized the same way as the cyber cafe at the end.
  • Call-Back: Mr O'Neill's seating plan (for the wrong class) has three Tiffanys.
  • Characterization Marches On: This is the last episode where the "Mr. O'Neill can't remember names" joke ever comes up.
  • Dark Horse Victory: Among all the students going door to door, Quinn manages to raise the most money.
  • Dirty Commies: Daria's essay whips the students into an anti-communist riot which gets the coffee house shut down.
  • Door-to-Door Episode: The students go door to door fundraising for the coffee house.
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male: Brittney is furious when Kevin doesn't learn his lines. She's heard screaming at him off screen. When the camera cuts to them next, he's got a black eye.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness:
    • School principal Angela Li doesn't force Daria and Jane to mandatorily participate in fundraising for and/or performing at the school's coffeehouse, and reasonably only withholds having the participation credited to Daria's record (until Daria relents after Jane reminds her of the consequences given by Daria's parents for refusing to participate), unlike future schemes of Ms. Li where she makes participation automatically mandatory.
    • Brittany's shown having no problem memorizing Juliet's monologue from the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet and delivers it semi-perfectly (she pronounces "Capulet" as "Caplet"). In the following season she could barely memorize lines for an audition in Mr. O'Neill's play.
    • Mr. O'Neill not only says "damn" but he swats a spider, both things that he would be appalled by in later seasons.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Daria's visibly concerned when she sees Mrs. Johannsen is having trouble breathing, and while Daria and Jane don't really help her after she passes out, Daria will not sell any chocolate to the woman out of fear of harming her health (since Mrs. Johannsen said she wasn't supposed to have chocolate on her doctor's orders).
  • Flanderization: Discussed. Kevin is too dumb to be able to appreciate William Shakespeare, so they told him the easy part: that there is a skull in Hamlet.
  • Genre Throwback: In-Universe with Daria's Cold War-esque "Melody Powers" story.
  • Glad I Thought of It: Inverted, for the first of many times. Daria makes a sarcastic comment that inspires Mr. O'Neill to open the coffee-house, but he misinterprets it as being her intention.
  • Hidden Depths: Quinn proves to be the best salesman of the student body and effortlessly raises enough money to finish the coffee shop's funding.
  • Kick the Dog: While in Ms. Li's office as they're being grilled for not selling chocolate to Mrs. Johannsen, Ms. Li asks if she wanted to buy the chocolate for her family. Jane rather cruelly jokes Mrs. Johannsen has no family because "she ate them!"
  • Noodle Incident:
  • Running Gag: Pop Goes the Weasel.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Kevin asks both Mack and Daria why he should be interested in studying Shakespeare. After a moment of thought, both mention that "Hamlet has a skull in it."
  • Teachers Out of School: Kevin and Brittany happen to visit Mr. DeMartino's house while going door-to-door. He proceeds to conduct the discussion as if it were a Q&A session in class (i.e.: condescendingly).
  • Tempting Fate: A positive example. After Ms. Li states she doesn't know where they'll get the rest of the money to fund the coffee house, Quinn walks into the room practically covered in cash and asking for more phone cards to sell.
  • The Quiet One: Andrea expresses her poetry at the coffee house's open mic night for one of the few times she speaks in the series (out of the whole audience, only Daria and Jane approve of the poem):
    Andrea: I'm here. But where are you? Sure, I see your body. Anyone home in that rotting bag of flesh!?
