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Recap / DC Universe Online Episode 2

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Lightning Strikes is the second Episode in DC Universe Online which focuses on the chaos in Central City due to a disaster in the Speed Force as someone is attempting to alter history. Namely, to prevent Barry Allen from becoming the Flash.


As the chaos continues, worm hole vortexes begin appearing in both Metropolis and Gotham City, from which creatures known as Paradox Reapers begin appearing in an attempt to consume the current timeline.

With the greatest concentration of reapers and vortexes appearing in Central City, it is revealed that someone has traveled into the past in an attempt to alter the history of the Flash (Barry Allen). Employing a group of New Heroes, the Flash uses the Cosmic Treadmill to send the group back in time to stop the instigator before time is rewritten.


  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You - Eobard Thawne hates the Flash and would do anything to make him suffer. But as preventing Barry Allen from becoming the Flash would prevent him from becoming Professor Zoom, he sends a group of New Villains to stop it.
  • The Heavy: Abra Kadabra is the one involved with preventing Barry Allen from becoming the Flash, placing him into a protective bubble to prevent him from being hit from that fateful lightning bolt. All for his "Mysterious Benefactor."
  • Mind Control: Pied Piper does to to the CCPD.
  • Super-Empowering: In order to remove the excess Speed Force energy affecting the citizens, Flash and Zoom grants the New Heroes and Villains respectively super speed to allow them to absorb the energy from them.
