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Recap / Animator Vs Animation Animation Vs Physics

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Uploaded Dec 9, 2023


After being warped away by Euler's Identity, Second Coming finds himself in a planet from which he escapes via application of laws of physics. Travelling into space on a conveniently-placed rocket, he eventually enters a black hole and finds himself creating and dropping into a wormhole the items he had found on the planet. This alternate self tasks Second Coming with continuing the time loop in his place as he warps to parts unknown.


  • And the Adventure Continues: The future version of Second Coming takes the previous one’s hat to complete the Stable Time Loop and then uses the wormhole to warp himself out, no doubt to another world based around real-life STEM concepts.
  • Artistic License – Physics: The are moments when the presented physics don’t quite add up, like a rocket flying straight ahead despite Second Coming clinging onto one side. Justified by The Law of Conservation of Detail - if every interaction was handled realistically, things would easily become too complex to follow.
    • Magnets in this world are MUCH stronger than in real life, able to very quickly drag Second Coming back to his rocket, magnetise a several-meters-long metal bar in a few swipes and then form an induction coil with only one wrap-around. And yet Second Coming can pry his horseshoe magnet away from the rocket with just a “pop”. Again justified by The Law of Conservation of Detail.
  • Covers Always Lie: The Mass–energy equivalence equation appears in the episode's Youtube thumbnail but is not featured in the episode itself as an entity like Euler's Identity in the previous episode.
  • Immediate Sequel: (Presumably) takes place right after Euler's Identity warps him away in the Math episode.
  • No Antagonist: The Second Coming doesn't actually have anyone to fight this time around.
  • Rocket Ride: Second Coming rides the rocket he finds as if it were a horse.
  • Shown Their Work: And how. Alan’s lead animator, Terkoiz, is apparently a huge math and physics nerd and largely wrote the script for the episode by himself. He takes us through gravity and friction, through momentum and energy types, all the way to rocket science and the physics of a black hole.
  • Spaceship Slingshot Stunt: Second Coming is able to effortlessly slingshot around several planets and their nearby star with the rocket, even correcting his trajectory on the fly when he realizes his initial approach would cause him to fall into the star.
  • Space Western: Second Coming rides his rocket like a horse, even “spurring” it to initially kickstart it, and quickly runs into a floating stetson that he takes for himself.
  • Space "X": A visual example, with the “X” being “Cowboy”.
  • Stable Time Loop: In the end, Second Coming finds himself and figments of previous iterations maintaining the chain of actions that led to him arriving on the singularity. His future self then leaves via a wormhole, requiring him to continue the process until the next Second Coming arrives.
  • Shout-Out: While riding the rocket, Second Coming is given a cowboy hat, setting up his Riding the Bomb moment when he's diving into the black hole while waving it.
