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Recap / Aaahh!!! Real Monsters

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This is a list of episodes from the series Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, which ran from 1994 to 1997 with 52 episodes.

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    Season One 
  1. The Switching Hour: In the show's double-length premiere, Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm go out on Halloween night against the wishes of the Gromble. However a human named Nicky has spotted Ickis.
  2. Monsters, Get Real / Snorched if You Do, Snorched if You Don't: Ickis accidentally leaves his monster manual behind in a human's room, and he, Oblina and Krumm attempt to retrieve the book (despite the division, this is all one story).
  3. Curse of the Krumm / Krumm Goes Hollywood: Krumm loses his stench and tries to get it back; Krumm becomes a movie star after being noticed by a movie director.
  4. Monstrous Makeover / A Wing and a Scare: Ickis convinces a plastic surgeon to give people monster features; Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm sneak on a plane to scare a girl with great trouble.
  5. Krumm's Pimple / The Monster Hunter: Krumm gets a sentient pimple; A monster hunter named Simon sets out to prove to the world the existence of monsters.
  6. Monsters Don't Dance / Gone Shopp'n: Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm mistake a man in a costume called Murray for an actual monster and teach him how to scare; Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm are trapped in a mall during holiday season.
  7. Old Monster / Mother May I?: The Gromble's old teacher Shroink comes to lecture at the academy; When The Gromble's mother comes to visit, he leaves them in the care of Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm.
  8. Don't Just Do It / Joined at the Hip: Ickis befriends an academy dropout named Pugh; The Gromble fuses Ickis and Krumm together as a punishment.
  9. Smile and Say Oblina / The Great Wave: Oblina develops a crush on a monster named Gruge; Ickis joins the annual Riding of the Great Wave competition.
  10. Cold Hard Toenails / Attack of the Blobs: Ickis becomes rich after finding hundreds of thousands of toenails, as monsters use toenails as currency; Oblina has to take care of a ravenous blob (an infant monster).
  11. Chip Off the Old Beast / The War is Over: Ickis' father, the legendary Slickis, comes over to the academy; Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm are assigned to scare a supposedly haunted mansion.
  12. Where Have All the Monsters Gone?: When people stop believing in monsters, everyone faces the dreaded possibility of disappearing forever.
  13. Simon Strikes Back / The Ickis Box: Simon the Monster Hunter has returned and is trying to get his revenge on the monsters; Ickis tries to prove to the Gromble that TV is not bad for monsters.

    Season Two 
  1. Spontaneously Combustible / The Curse of Katana: Ickis is diagnosed as being spontaneously combustible; Krumm puts his eyes in an ancient mummy to pull off a scare, but getting it back proves to be difficult.
  2. Monsters Are Real / This Is Your Brain on Ickis: When Ickis is caught on camera, it gets published in the paper and he has to get all the copies before they're seen by humans; Ickis gets trapped inside Simon's head and finds he can control it.
  3. Into the Woods / Krumm Gets the Dreaded Nolox: Ickis turns to his human friend, Bradley to help him with a big scare; Krumm gets the hiccups, which causes bad things to happen around him.
  4. Mayberry U.F.O. / I Dream of Snorch with the Long Golden Hair: Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm are trapped in a small town where they are mistaken for aliens; Ickis and Krumm steal the Snorch's nose hairs.
  5. Garbage Ahoy / Goin' Way South: Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm are stranded on a garbage barge; Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm head to Antarctica to scare an explorer.
  6. The Monster Who Came In From the Cold / Puppy Ciao: When Oblina puts on a human costume, she starts believing she's a human; Ickis bonds with a stray dog.
  7. The Rival / Hats Off: Oblina goes green-eyed when another monster named Smelldra starts outdoing her; Ickis discovers an a universe populated by rabbits inside a magician's hat.
  8. O'Lucky Monster / Eau de Krumm: Oblina fears that she has been cursed when she steps on a slug (considered to be bad luck among monsters); A new human perfume causes great difficulty for monsterkind.
  9. Rosh O'Monster / Tree of Ickis: Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm each tell their version of the events of their last scare to the Gromble when the viewfinder is down; Ickis starts turning into a tree after eating an acorn.
  10. History of the Monster World / Fear, Thy Name is Ickis: The Gromble teaches his students (and the viewers) the history of monsters and its connections with human history; Ickis' newest scare lands him the praise he's always wanted.
  11. Quest for the Holy Pail / Garbage In, Garbage Out: Ickis heads off on a journey to retrieve the Holy Pail; The monster food supply is threatened when humans decide to stop littering.
  12. A Room with No Viewfinder / Krumm Rises to the Top: Ickis accidentally releases the viewfinder and now has to get it back; Krumm is in danger of floating away when he eats a helium tank.
  13. The Five Faces of Ickis / Bigfoot, Don't Fail Me Now: Ickis must perform five scares in one day all alone; The Gromble and his students head to the wilderness to save Bigfoot from falling into Simon's clutches.

    Season Three 
  1. Festival of the Festering Moon / Simon's Big Score: The annual Festival of the Festering Moon arrives, and all monsters must shed their skins with the last one to do so being forced to leave the academy; Simon's new listening bug creates suspicions of a traitor at the academy.
  2. Krumm Gets Ahead / It's Only a Movie: Krumm gets a prosthetic head for his eyes; Ickis is terrified by a cute cartoon bear.
  3. Monster Blues / I Heard the Snorch Call My Name: Ickis meets a blind Blues musician; The Snorch gives himself a voice implant to let him express his intellect.
  4. Amulet of Enfarg / Bad Hair Day: Ickis loses the Gromble's award and it becomes a human fashion statement; Krumm loses his armpit hair.
  5. Who'll Stop the Brain? / Cement Heads: Oblina literally loses her mind from non-stop studying; Ickis frees a trio of monsters from their gargoyle prisons, unaware of their malicious intentions
  6. Ickis and the Red Zimbo / Oblina and the Three Humans: Ickis' reliance on a R/C helicopter angers the academy's only flying monster, Zimbo; Oblina tells the monster version of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" to the Gromble's nephew.
  7. Baby, It's You / Monsters Are Fun: The Gromble's nephew is accidentally switched with a human baby; Oblina and Krumm are tasked to go to an amusement park where monsters are portrayed as friendly, and scare the riders, but Ickis beats them to it.
  8. You Only Scare Twice / Less Talk, More Monsters: Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm are sent to scare a secret agent heading out to save the world; When 50,000 dollars are hidden in the dump, the monsters' secrecy is threatened by the treasure-hunting humans.
  9. Out of the Past / Ship of Fools: The Gromble reencounters the only human who ever scared him; Oblina and Ickis have a clash of authority while the Gromble is away; a matter made worse due to a flood.
  10. Eye Full of Wander / Lifestyles of the Rich and Scary: One of Krumm's eyes is eaten by a snake that ends up in the hands of a heavy metal musician; Oblina's mother forces her to quit the academy.
  11. Fistful of Toenails/Blind Love, Monster Love: The monster students start becoming obsessed with movie Westerns; Ickis falls in love with a puppet.
  12. The Master Monster / Slumber Scare: The Gromble's by-the-books superior fires him and takes over; Oblina hosts a girls-only slumber party.
  13. Wake Me When It's Over / Things That Go Bump: Ickis' most recent scares have all been first rate, but he can only perform them in his sleep; Ickis is paired up with a non-scary student for an assignment.

    Season Four 
  1. Oblina Without a Cause / Slick Ick: Oblina decides to adopt a rebel attitude; Ickis gets smothered in wax.
  2. Battle of the Century / A Perfect World: Simon sends out a gigantic monster-catching robot; A feeling-neglected Krumm befriends two very affectionate monsters.
  3. Escape Claws / The Lips Have It: Ickis mistakes some lobsters for monsters; Oblina loses her lips.
  4. Walk Like a Man / A Friend Indeed: When Ickis gets stuck in a toilet, his only hope of getting back to the dump is disguise himself as a human; Ickis meets a monster with a human face.
  5. Watch the Watch / She Likes Me?: Ickis is hypnotized into thinking he's a human from Texas; Krumm is dumbfounded when he believes Oblina has a crush on him.
  6. Nuclear and Present Danger / Loch Ness Mess: Scientist mistake Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm for mutant humans and try to capture them for study; The Gromble's hero, the Loch Ness Monster, comes to the academy.
  7. Super Ickis/The Substitute: Ickis tries to be a superhero; Oblina is suspicious of the Gromble's substitute teacher.
  8. The Great Escape / Beast with Four Eyes: Ickis is sent to prison when he is mistaken for a human is disguise; Krumm gets glasses.
  9. Side by Side/HookedOnPhobics: Ickis must work with Zimbo to pass an important assignment; Ickis gets a phobia kit to help him with his scares.
  10. Spy vs. Monster / Misery Date: A doodle by Ickis is accidentally switched with the top-secret plans of a spy; Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm set the Gromble up on a date with the library monster.
  11. Clockwise / Gromble Soup: The Gromble gives Ickis a clock that controls time; Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm try to cure the Gromble's terrible illness.
  12. Showdown / Internal Affairs: Simon hires three fellow monster hunters who capture Ickis for themselves, forcing Simon to form an Enemy Mine; Ickis and Krumm go inside Oblina to eliminate a parasite monster.
  13. Laugh, Krumm, Laugh / Rookie Monsters: Krumm cannot stop laughing after eating a feathered headdress; Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm reminisce on how they first met.
