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Quotes / The Star Wars Holiday Special

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George Lucas once said he wished he could track down every single copy of the Star Wars Holiday Special and smash it to pieces with a sledgehammer. Thanks to the easy breezy modern data transfers of today, that task just got a lot harder. A typical YouTube search turns up fifty different tapings of the special. Thousands, maybe millions, are watching the horror at any given time around the world. That's a lot of hard drives to smash, George — better get busy. And honestly, your time would be better spent doing that than whatever you're working on.
Platypus Comix, "The Ads of The Star Wars Holiday Special"

I don't think it's any coincidence that the Star Wars Holiday Special aired one day before the Jonestown mass suicide. Did you think there wouldn't be consequences, Bea Arthur?!

Mike: It's like saying the desert is hot. Yes, the desert is hot, but unless you've walked through it for 24 hours with no water, you can't truly know how hot the desert is. You have to see the whole thing.
Jay: But you may find yourself in a situation where you need to walk through the desert. There's never going to be a situation where you NEED to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special!
Mike: (sagely) If you want to complain about how bad the Stars Wars Holiday Special is, you need to have watched it from beginning to end. If you have not, you have no right to complain about how bad it is. It's a rite of passage.

Some people think, mistakenly, that the Star Wars Holiday Special is hilariously entertaining in the it's-so-bad-it's-good category. These people are idiots. Idiots who have never sat through an entire viewing of the Holiday Special...It is mostly like watching a one-armed, blind, five-year-old bowl in slow motion for an hour and a half.

If The Star Wars Holiday Special was just shit that would be one thing, but it consists of us watching other people watch shit.
Alex Jackson

Helix: How about our authorized copy of The Star Wars Holiday Special, signed by George Lucas?
Sam: Perfect! The one item we've copied that causes worry when it disappears, and utter panic when it returns to public view.

This review maybe makes it sound like it's so bad it's good, and in some ways I guess it is, but in most other ways it's sort of like putting live hornets in your ass.

I hope this doesn't come across as sacrilegious, but... Life Day eats!

It's a... it's a unique idea watching a farm animal open a present... not sure I'd build a whole show around it, but it is unique.

Around this time in the film [the cooking scene], something occurred to me... people made this.

You think it's so legendarily bad that you'll torrent it and sit through it just for the kitschy nerd cred. I, too, once thought as you did.
