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Quotes / He Panned It, Now He Sucks!

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"Yeah, I know it's a classic, but when something's fucked up, it's fucked up. So, if you want to rip me a new asshole, that's fine. I have, like, twelve. Yeah, I've got Charlie Brown ghost ass!"

I’m sure this is obvious by now, but I’ll say again that my initial plan for the Worst of Trek section is to recap two episodes each from every Trek series, in chronological order of when the series premiered. As explained previously, this is to avoid making it look like I’m unfairly picking on any particular series here. (And let me just tell you, nothing draws the ire of Trek fans like seeing their favorite series being unfairly picked on.)

"I said once on Twitter that I didn't like Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase and I got condemned to Hell at least 6 times."
Caddicarus, "Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase on PS1".

Wait, Buu didn't make the top 5? What salt-ridden hell have you wrought upon us?!
DBcember's Top 24 Dragon Ball Villains

I've got a feeling I'm going to be perceived as a hater for not being gaga, over-the-moon about X-Men: Days of Future Past, but, y'know — not every movie has to be the best thing ever.

Fans of The Last of Us, I feel a wedge has been driven between you and I. I know you were afraid that The Last of Us was some kind of beached whale that was gonna die if it wasn't continually moistened by everybody's tongues. But it isn't easy for me, either, having a contentious opinion! When The Last of Us started losing me, I wasn't rubbing my fingerless gloved-hands in glee; I was thinking, 'Ugh. I am gonna get some real fucking stimulating email over this, aren't I?'

The 1 star reviews are almost laughable about how inaccurate they are. These people should be locked up in a jail for attempting to stop bringing this movie to the world. I absolutely love Inside Out, it was one of my favorite movies of 2015, and I hope you 1 Star people live your lives full of misery.
acohen090's IMDB review of Inside Out

You're not wrong for liking it and I'm not wrong for disliking it. You are, however, pretty fucking wrong if you think that I'm supposed to like it.

"Did ya hear that? That's the sound of thousands of hardcore Sonic fans cracking their knuckles and getting ready to leave angry comments on IGN videos, because Sonic Frontiers is coming out for everything on the 8th, and I'm sure we'll do something to piss them off. Or maybe they're still mad because somebody spoke ill of Sonic on an IGN podcast seven years ago, or maybe they haven't gotten over the low review score that Sonic Adventure got twenty-three years ago, but either way, the blue blur is back in a new open-zone game that's basically on everything."

"It wasn't just random nobodies [acting toxic towards negative opinions on the game], as certain popular accounts with relatively large influential followings were directly participating in this behavior, one of whom quote-retweeted Nintendo Life's negative Frontiers review to their twenty-thousand followers. I don't wish to condemn this individual or ignite any drama, but nothing good is going to come from actions like this, and they are entirely responsible for enabling harassment. I wouldn't hold this against them had they simply accepted responsibility when myself and others pointed out that this wasn't a good look, but they chose instead to double down on their toxicity. Claiming that the review needs to "accurately reflect the game"— which is impossible, as this is entirely subjective— and "make sense compared to others in the series" is ridiculous, especially when the Forces review they're referring to was by a completely different person of the same outlet. Even if they did think Forces was better… so what?

"It’s ironic that this same person was also on the receiving end of toxicity during the game’s pre-release period, as they were acknowledging many of the game’s flaws in the early footage. Now that it’s out (and they’ve done some paid work promoting it), it’s seemingly okay to instigate the same harm towards other people who didn’t like the game. There is nothing "objective" about sharing your own personal thoughts on art, and as Ian Flynn made clear, there is no reason to dogpile people for disagreeing with the majority opinion. Anecdotally, many Sonic fans deliberately kept quiet about their opinions on Frontiers during this time due, to their understandable fear of harassment.

"(…) I publicly advocated that we don’t harass people when the Frontiers reviews came out, and then afterwards I was known as the guy who "defended every negative Frontiers review", failing to understand the common themes that may have influenced me into doing so. Telling others not to bully people is just so narcissistic of me. Reviews don’t matter… unless they’re ones I agree with!"
Caelum "TelekinesticMan" Beckinsale on Sonic Frontiers and the fan drama stemming from it

Gamenasty: Wwwwwhat's up youtube, it's ya boy Gamenasty, and today we're gonna look at Pro Ass Fishing. It it REALLY that good? Truth is, it's a mediocre fishing sim with some shallow resource-management elements. It's just not a very good game! It's pretty sad that it's gotten as popular as it has. Anyway, be sure to like, comment, and subscri-... What's that noise?
(Gamenasty turns to see an angry mob wielding Torches and Pitchforks outside his window)
Gamenasty: Uh oh.
