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Quotes / Hentai

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As for the animated porn I did watch in hopes of gleaning some insight into the Japanese id? I have this to say: Go away, Japanese id! You are scary! I am scared of you!
Seth Stevenson, Tokyo on One Cliche a Day

Yugi: Hello, we're Japanese teenagers.
Shopkeeper: Then you must be here to buy pornographic comic books disguised as graphic novels.

Michael: Let us do one last crossword together, as brothers. Shall we?
Stanley: No.
Michael: (while trying to nab the papers Stanley is holding) Yes, let's.
Stanley: Nope. No...!!!
[Stanley drops the papers on the floor, showing hentai pictures to Michael. Cut to Michael's office]
Stanley: It's called hentai, and it's art.
— Deleted scene from The Office (US)
