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Quotes / Ape Shall Never Kill Ape

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    Film — Live-Action 
"Ape not kill Ape"
—The rule the apes follow in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

"No animal shall kill another animal"
—The sixth Commandment of Animalism, Animal Farm note 

    Live-Action TV 
[Spike has just been beaten senseless by a group of demons]
Demon: What did you expect, Spike? A welcome party? Word's out. You've been making war on the demon world.
Spike: War?
Demon: With the Slayer. You kill other demons and the rest of us don't hold with that. Still, if I see you around again, I'll be inclined to break that code. Do you understand?

"Rule of Acquisition 17: 'A contract is a contract is a contract. But only between Ferengi.'"

Female Changeling: As I said, I wish the circumstances of this meeting were different. You killed a Changeling, Odo.
Odo: He was trying to kill my friends. I had no choice.
Female Changeling: Of course you had a choice, and you chose to side with the Solids. To protect them, you were willing to violate the most sacred law of our people.
Odo: No Changeling has ever harmed another.
Female Changeling: Until you.

    Video Games 
"Gotta land the final blow, V! You know we can't kill demons!"
Griffon, Devil May Cry 5

    Web Video 
"Oh. We're doing this now, huh? We're doing the "human beings are so awful because we kill our own people" thing, huh? We're going into 1950s B-movie "aliens passing judgment"? Bill Jemas wants to indict our happy little species? Okay asshole, I'll play. Sure humans kill each other. We kill for passion, madness, rage, love, war, and lord knows other things. And yet, we've got six billion people running around the planet. Almost as if people who kill other people are the exception rather than the rule. Don't tell me animals never kill their own. Animals are frickin' dicks to each other, whether it's the cuckoo bird that kills off another cuckoo bird's children so that the new one will try to raise them, ant colonies that go to war with one-another and enslave other ants, or even mountain gorillas who will kill another one if it wanders into their territory. In other words, take your self-righteous, moral aggrandizing, holier-than-thou attitude and choke on it, along with this comic."
Linkara tearing this trope limb from limb, Atop the Fourth Wall Marville #4 review
