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Playing With / Tertiary Sexual Characteristics

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Basic Trope: Stereotypical aspects indicate a nonhuman's sex, such as bows or baseball caps.

  • Straight: Alice wears a bow, a skirt, and high heels, to show she is a girl.
  • Exaggerated: Alice has lots of makeup on her face, Girlish Pigtails, all her clothes are dresses, and she wears a pearl collar.
  • Downplayed: Alice has a ponytail, but wears pants and a shirt.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is very masculine-looking and wants to avoid people confusing her for a boy.
    • A'lyz and B'ob are Lizard Folk from the planet Tropion, and humans can't easily tell the difference between their sexes. They wear sterotypically gendered attire when dealing with humans to compensate for this.
    • Alice and Bob are of a species with limited sexual dimorphism e.g. pigeons.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob wears a baseball cap, shirt with no pants and he wears blue to show that he is male.
    • Bob has a muscular body unlike Alice.
    • Alice has distinctly feminine features like Hartman Hips and/or large breasts that lets everyone know she is female without stereotypical clothing.
  • Subverted: A girl with ponytails, makeup and a dress is seen, but it turns out it's Bob Disguised in Drag.
  • Double Subverted: Then, Alice appears with these exact same features.
  • Parodied: When Alice takes her bow off, everyone thinks it's a boy with a dress and long hair.
  • Zig Zagged: Male and Female appearances don't have to match up, it all depends on their personality.
  • Averted:
    • Alice is a non-human with a gender-neutral appearance.
    • Tertiary sexual characteristics are not used to differentiate between males and females (this mainly matters for non-human characters).
  • Enforced: "How do we show this character is female?" "Just put a bow and lipstick on her, everyone will know!
  • Lampshaded: Alice is known to be female by having feminine appearances while the rest of others questioning that is he a girly girl or not.
  • Invoked: "If you are a girl Alice, then you must wear some feminine traits to show that you are a girl, Bob, you must wear a baseball cap, shirt, and anything blue to show everyone that you are not a girl."
  • Exploited: Bob disguises in drag on-screen and everybody thinks he's a female because of his female clothing and accessories.
  • Defied: Alice has short hair and only wears shirts and pants, because she doesn't like looking girly.
  • Discussed: "You're always looking girly so people won't confuse you with a boy, right?"
  • Conversed: "Is that talking rock a boy or a girl? Oh, she's wearing a bow, so she must be a girl."
  • Deconstructed: Alice is feminine in her outfits in such a way to show various logical and moral problems with the gender based character deisgns.
  • Reconstructed: Alice is a feminine wearing girl, but with the problems brought up by her problems don't have to be shown.
  • Played For Laughs: ???
  • Played For Drama: Alice was stealing the feminine spotlight.
  • Implied: Bob was rumoured to be wearing anything masculine but he actually wasn't wearing anything manly.
