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Playing With / Strawman News Media

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Basic Trope: Fictional news sources are biased and untrustworthy.

  • Straight: Faux News constantly churns out puff pieces on politicians from the Purple Party while ignoring their scandals, and does the exact opposite to members of the Yellow Party.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Faux News is known to pull stunts like killing Purples in False Flag Operations, and then harping on the "threat" posed by the "radical Yellows".
    • Every Faux News host is a Conspiracy Theorist who spews blatantly false "theories" about everything.
    • Every news source is either hyperpartisan or nothing but paid shilling for random companies, possibly both.
  • Downplayed:
    • Faux News clearly skews Purple, but tends to be reliable.
    • Faux News uses questionable clickbait headlines to get more views, but the articles themselves are all right.
  • Justified: Faux News is "sponsored" by Cory Uption, a Corrupt Politician who doesn't care about their sleaziness as long as they make him look good and demonize his Yellow rival. The journalists are either naïve enough to believe the bad info they get from various questionable sources, or know it's fake and don't care as long as they get paid.
  • Inverted: The Faux News reporters are incorruptible truth seekers.
  • Subverted:
    • Faux News runs a fake story, but it's revealed that it didn't do it on purpose — several news sources on both sides, all of which themselves span the spectrum of reliability, fell for it.
    • Faux News is a satire.
  • Double Subverted: However, it has also run lots of intentionally fake or misleading stories.
  • Parodied:
    • This:
      Faux News anchor: Polly Ishan was recently caught taking a bribe. Such a person has no place in our government. [Chatter] Wait, she's on our side?! Oh, Crap! Quick, how can we defend her? [Chatter] Uh ... Bob has done something worse!
    • Faux News goes to absurd lengths to insert unnecessary pro-Purple material into every story, no matter how mundane.
      Anchor: This morning Alice found a blue hat in a tree while taking a walk. She used a stick to take it down, and then went to the lost and found office. She's honest and appreciates nature — unlike those filthy Yellows who want to destroy it for profit — so she's probably a Purple. Vote Purple!
    • Faux News keeps denying that it's biased — both in unprovoked Suspiciously Specific Denials and after praising Purples and/or smearing Yellows.
    • Faux News retracts a true story and pushes a false one.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some of the Faux News reporters are fine, while others are insane Conspiracy Theorists.
  • Averted: Faux News is trustworthy.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Even as a Purple, I can't stand Faux News. All they do is spew Blatant Lies and make us look bad."
  • Invoked: Cory Uption offers Faux News a generous "donation" if they agree to promote him and make his rivals look bad.
  • Exploited: The Yellow Party cites the lies of Faux News in its attack ads against the Purple Party.
  • Defied: Faux News loses its funding because no one wants to be associated with them. It goes bankrupt shortly afterwards.
  • Discussed: "Not all news sources are trustworthy, y'know."
  • Conversed: "Why would anyone in this series watch that garbage Faux News?"
  • Implied: A Yellow politician sues Faux News for slander.
  • Deconstructed: Most viewers realize that Faux News is garbage, so it starts driving people away from the Purple Party.
  • Reconstructed: Faux News fans are so heavily converted they rationalize away its many problems.
  • Played for Laughs: Faux News can't even keep its own propaganda straight. It's prone to doing things like airing a segment calling everyone they don't like Nazis because Hitler Ate Sugar, followed by a segment defending the Nazis.
  • Played for Drama: Tyrants have taken over the country and banned all news sources except for their Propaganda Machine Faux News.
  • Played for Horror: Faux News contributes to the demonization and broadcasts the torture and gruesome lynchings of Yellow Party supporters.

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