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Playing With / Spoon Bending

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Basic Trope: Person bends a spoon via Psychic Powers.

  • Straight: Bob uses telekinesis to bend a spoon without using physical force.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob uses telekinesis to try to bend a spoon, the spoon ends up melting into a puddle.
    • Bob uses telekinesis to try to bend a spoon, ends up bending every piece of silverware in the Tri-state area as a result.
  • Downplayed: The spoon bends so slightly that one could not notice unless they were looking directly at it. And squinting.
  • Justified:
    • Bob's psychic powers are too weak to do anything else.
    • Bob keeps a spoon in his pocket so he can telekinetically turn it into whatever tool he needs (screwdriver, skeleton key, switchblade, etc.)
    • Telekinetics in the world are only able to bend spoons and nothing else.
    • The ore in common, household spoons stimulate psychic powers.
  • Inverted: Bob tries bending a spoon, but ends up bending himself in the process.
  • Subverted: Bob bends a spoon, but it is revealed that the spoon was a trick spoon designed to bend as a parlor trick.
  • Double Subverted: Bob bends a spoon, but it is revealed that the spoon was a trick spoon designed to bend as a parlor trick (but Bob used his psychic powers to move it anyway).
  • Parodied: Psychics using spoons as weapons.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob bends a spoon with his mind, it is revealed that the spoon is a trick spoon, but Bob used his psychic powers to turn a regular spoon into the trick spoon.
  • Averted: Bob tries bending a spoon with his mind and fails.
  • Enforced: A kitchen utensil company funded the production.
  • Lampshaded: "What do you mean you don't believe me? I read your fortune and it came true? What more do you want from me, a demonstration in spoon bending?!"
  • Invoked: Bob needs to prove his psychic powers and the only way others can believe them is if he bends a spoon with his mind.
  • Exploited: Bob in the middle of a superpower battle runs to a spoon store to gain an advantage.
  • Defied: "Quick, hide all the spoons! Bob is coming and if we give him the chance to show off he’ll be at it all day!"
  • Discussed: "How would bending spoons prove I have pyrokinesis?"
  • Conversed: "Oh, spoons! Really impressive guys. What are you going to do next? Read my palm?"
  • Deconstructed: Psychics use the bending of spoons and what directions they bends as a secret handshake.
  • Reconstructed: ???
